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grandpas glass

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Everything posted by grandpas glass

  1. In the next post we see her breaking into his house and leaving some photos of herself on the living room table
  2. I think it will be released tomorrow, so we can't see it now.
  3. still better than a speedup remix, I like his work
  4. Anyway, it was a good decision, because the covid spread during that time and first people died in Europe because of the virus. Maybe she didn't want to catch it or prevent her fans from catching it? A few days or weeks later, she would have had to cancel the concerts anyway.
  5. Covid happened even before, exactly during the time when she canceled the tour. I already believe that she gave the right reasons, but I hope she was not infected with the virus.
  6. maybe this picture helps to overcome him
  7. she must finally finish with him, otherwise it will always block her
  8. So the concept of the album is her bedroom, with which Lana tries to make the relationship with her listeners even more intimate. She asks direct questions, is half naked, shows her breasts (even if only as a drawing). Many of her selfies from this year now make more sense. Even her private Honeymoon account established a more intimate relationship with her fans, so maybe that already served as preparation for the new album.
  9. https://www.aha-music.com/identify-songs-music-recognition-online/ from here I got #9 the limited direct upload here seems to work differently than the start page or the browser plugin, where I don't get any info for this fingertips snippet
  10. we need to upload all snippets with unknown origin to this AHA page, maybe we'll be lucky again and get more tracklist info
  11. I wonder what the further roadmap is until the album. A lot can happen between now and March: tracklist unveiling, second single, videos, live performance, lyrics to Ocean Blvd (Spotify, Youtube), photo shoots. Wasn't there something with Interview magazine? There have been also no selfies for a long time, maybe she'll give us a further insight into the mood or atmosphere of the album.
  12. As you color me blueueueue Blueueueue, blueueueuuuue You make me bluuuuuuuuuue Blueueuuuuuueuuuuuue, blueueueueee Blueueuuue, blueueueeee, bluuue, blue
  13. Wordle 546 3/6 ⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨 🟨⬛🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  14. Can someone check that the line starting with "I just wish I had a friend like him, ..." is someone to give me five someone to give me fire or someone to get me by ?
  15. yeah, now i read this on genius too, but i can hear "give" and "fi..", i really think it's "fire" now
  16. ... or unimaginative. it doesn't have to be perfect, just a different word. but maybe the line is not "give me five" but "give me fire"?
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