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Everything posted by BartenderDeco

  1. my phone autocorrects lane to lame so if i ever do that know it’s an accident
  2. nikki lame is such a great person and you can tell that she makes lana happier, but i don’t want a whole album with nikki
  3. then they said there was another version or wce like just admit you’re wrong
  4. i think some insiders know things that they just won’t tell us, honeymoun isn’t the most credible but i believe them with some stuff
  5. idk i bet all insiders have a gc where they spill tea to each other
  6. honeymoun never confirmed it, i don’t even think sugary sweet is finished
  7. a complication of her unreleased songs i think
  8. i doubt it was on the album i don’t even think that song is finished. that person just said sugar sweet because it rhymes with rock candy sweet also why did honeymoun say lana x nikki lane 1, is there 2 albums and she’s going to release the 2nd one
  9. https://twitter.com/honeymounz/status/1498756611548012545?s=21 who’s buying the cake?
  10. appearently i talk to jesus was upppsed to be on tropico EP
  11. she can keep the nikki album, i would love a few songs with her. and it’s going to be a whole yee haw album they don’t really give books away for free
  12. i mean the physical book but $1 is still money and facebook is kind of for older people, and i doubt her covers album is going to be covering ariana grande and taylor swift. so she might’ve reactivated her facebook for the covers album promo????
  13. and if lfl said we need money, music is free, poetry books aren’t
  14. i feel like dnc is lana’s next poetry book. maybe we’re getting an announcement of that today, because why else would she reactivate her facebook
  15. yeah i like pre nfr production better. but nfr and cotcc productions are still a masterpiece and amazing. i just prefer the old ones
  16. what abt cotcc?? honeymoon and ultraviolence have a better production style for lana in my opinion
  17. i fee like jack's producing style doesn't suit lana
  18. BartenderDeco

    Doja Cat

    the difference is doja is a major influencer and lorry isn't. she could've sorted out the situation without involving her followers
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