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Everything posted by ButterflyBones

  1. $3000/night? Jesus, lol. Not sure why some people are so allergic to funding their lifestyle with actual jobs instead of taking money from others. I and many people donated to her for the Dollhouse music video, and I'm sure there are still plenty of fans who would be willing to help support her if she would just be honest about what the money was for. She's not helping herself out lately with all this secrecy and weirdness. No, she definitely didn't. The album should be finished mixing and ready to go within a couple months if it isn't already, so she's probably getting ready to put out a single any time now despite the lack of interaction. I think it's safe to say we're going to get something by November, and it not then, we'll get *something* before 2023. There's no way she's career-suicidal enough to punk her fans for like, the fifth time this year.
  2. You're totally fine, discussions are what we love here and you made good points! I definitely agree with you on the leaks, too. So many of them are inarguably her best material, and a full album of that would surely be a hit with the potential to outsell her past works. MM3 is going to completely reinvent her career in a lot of ways, and bring a lot of new fans to the table with her new style and visuals less reliant on the vintage/babydoll aesthetic. I just can't really see it being a failure if we get anything close to what we've been expecting. Now she just needs to go ahead and release something on schedule, lol.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Melanie is that bad. I've just noticed there were a lot of negative things that were said about her behavior around the time when the song would've been produced, so when I saw that quote from Snow, I assumed it was most likely referring to Melanie, and not just Atlantic. You're right, I was mostly exaggerating, and she has a decent amount of released music. But to me, most of that music hasn't aged very well, and is passed over by most adults, making it feel a bit irrelevant at times. Her movie was also pretty disappointing outside of looking pretty, and it made back less than half of its budget in ticket sales. She's hardly on the level she could've been at by now, but her visuals, creativity, and style are undeniably leagues above most artists these days, so she'll always have a unique place in the industry even if a few of her projects aren't her best. I'm not trying to be an asshole, so I should have been gentler with the wording in my original comment for sure.
  4. Apparently Snow Tha Product is mad about "I Scream" never getting released, and it looks like it had something directly to do with Melanie. "nobody is more sad about what happened to that song than ME 🤯🫠 i was LIED TO STRUNG ALONG, AND ULTIMATELY DISAPPOINTED.. i wish it came out” She had the rights to make her own version at one time, but we already know that version was scrapped too. Does Melanie just piss off everyone she works with eventually? Why does nearly all of her music get scrapped? I really don't believe it's just her record label at this point, because so much doesn't add up there.
  5. Tired of opening her Instagram story to another random photo of her and Verde sitting around. It would be cute if she wasn't keeping us hanging with consistently incorrect release dates, often months and years before anything actually comes out. Can't we just get something on time for once? Even for people who just followed her for her photos and stories, this must be getting old. She does nothing now. While she doesn't "owe us" anything, some artists make me wish they would just choose whether they want to be famous, or want to be left alone, and stick with it. Not this back and forth all the time.
  6. Probably. The main issue with K-12 was just her not knowing enough about filmmaking and its actual cost before she made her first movie. When she handed in her first script they told her it would cost over $11M, with a 3+ hour runtime. Her budget was $6M which was already really generous. I think she realizes now that if she'd filmed in cheaper places, cut some fluff to add more dialogue, and rewrote the script instead of removing chunks without context, K-12 would've been a lot better and made more money. She already said she wants MM2 to be more of an actual movie, so I think we can assume she'll try to prioritize higher quality acting and plot this time.
  7. I'm not sure she gave up on it, but I think she said something about releasing the album first this time. That way, those who just want the music won't have to wait forever, and we get the movie either way, plus video singles. Seems like a pretty good plan if true, but I still wouldn't be remotely upset if we end up only getting music videos and the movie never happens.
  8. I feel so bad for Melanie and Verde having to deal with one of the dumbest, most annoying fandoms in existence. For those who didn't see, Melanie has been receiving shitty comments for months speculating over the death of her dog Mouse. People even thought it was funny to tag her account in posts like "Mouse is dead and Melanie killed her". Well, it turns out Mouse did pass away and Melanie has been seeing all of these comments. The rumors were confirmed in a comment on Peanut's TikTok page, "you guys have to stop being so insensitive. mouse passed away early this year. we miss mouse so much and it hurts everyday not having her here". Who knows whether it was Melanie or Verde typing, but they're clearly fed up. This is why she doesn't post anything, or give us any updates, because this fandom is so nasty and abusive towards her and everyone in her life. They can't even post a fucking TikTok of a dog without being harassed by hundreds of people. 🙄
  9. I see what she's trying to do, but some of her music lately has sounded so messy. Her rhythm is all over the place, her vocals are unstable, lyrics get crammed in places that don't sound right, and there's just a lot of word salad. I hope we don't get too much of that on MM3.
  10. Crybabyboi is the worst, such a weird and annoying account. It really makes it obvious why this fandom has the reputation it does. Just so weird to make fan accounts of people only to troll them and spread bullshit around
  11. It's just an opinion. And I'm not shitting on it, I just don't think it's one of her best songwriting moments, and after some of the unreleased songs we've heard recently I wouldn't say it's her strongest material. She was a teenager when she wrote it though, so of course her lyricism has grown since then.
  12. I thought I was the only one thinking this when everyone kept hyping it up until now. "I throw milk on the walls in rage" Like.. girl, pardon me?
  13. Well she bought a new house for $2.1M, not sure why she's spending so much lately and then acting like she needs money from her fans. Glad I didn't buy anything. The house is nice, but I'm not sure why she'd bother moving out of her old place to live here. Here's an article shared from twitter. Let's hope she didn't move for the sake of privacy, because if so that would be ruined already, lol. https://www.dirt.com/gallery/entertainers/musicians/melanie-martinez-house-bell-canyon-1203577679/#
  14. Just a bunch of weird tiktok drama as far as I heard. She was reading comments out loud and someone was spamming "Melanie Floptinez" into a live chat. People spread clips out of context to have something to talk about, and it got way more attention than it deserved. Isn't she also some weird nursery rhyme singer wannabe? Why do people care so much about these weirdos all of the sudden?
  15. I swear for the past week her twitter mentions have just been fans spreading fake shit with thousands of people falling for it. Fake album covers, fake teasers, fake snippets, and people starting serious drama over things like some tiktoker "calling Melanie a flop", which didn't even happen because she was just reading a live comment and people spread clips out of context. There are even people making shit up about Melanie's childhood, saying she was abused and molested, and people just ate it up. No wonder she hates us all, for real. It's getting out of hand here.
  16. Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't matter to me if she didn't even release any MVs at all for the singles. It's just that her chances of commercial success are much higher if she puts out well made, well planned videos for the rollout of the new album, and I know one of her goals with this album is to reach a wider audience. She's made showstopping visuals in the past, I want to see her open the era with some of that and show people what she's capable of. Besides, the more attention and views she gets, the more money she makes, and the more content we get in the future. She'll also be free to make as many movies and visual albums as she wants, and won't have to do weird shit for a budget. 🥴 It's a win for everyone.
  17. Exactly! We've been getting told "new material coming soon" for over a year now, and been let down every time. I'm glad we're getting updates, but man, if she isn't absolutely sure about something I'd rather her just say that instead of throwing out false promises. If she wants these singles to impress, she'll have to put a fair amount of time and money into the MVs. The fastest MV I think she's ever made was probably the Bakery, and even that took about a months worth of planning, shooting, editing, etc. I don't see her releasing more than one or two singles this year either, and at this point I'm a little worried about what we'll be getting vs what we could've had by now. I just remember how excited we all were for MM2, and then K-12 ended up being a big disappointment. I don't think we can handle that again, lol.
  18. Still can't believe it took her whole fanbase bullying her for us to get some news on the album. A fall release doesn't leave her a lot of time to start teasing and releasing videos either, but we'll see. I just wish she'd scale back and focus on normal projects instead of taking years and millions of dollars to make films that nobody really wants. It would make her life easier, and make her more money, but she seems to think that being realistic about things is giving up on her dreams or something, idk.
  19. Thank fucking god we finally got some good news, lmao. Not more than 3-4 months before we'll hopefully get some of the best content we've seen so far. Now I'm really wondering though if the whole film will be scrapped in favor of individual videos. Honestly, I would prefer a slower rollout to her releasing it all at once like K-12.
  20. We'll probably still get MM3, I don't know if her label would let her back out at this point in her contract even if she wanted to. It just might not be what we hoped for, and the movie could be scrapped for music videos. Part of me can't see her giving up when she's wanted this for so long, but after the leaks, stan drama, and potential budget issues, I wouldn't be too surprised if she's over it. Hopefully she'll give us some info soon, I feel like it's reasonable to ask with how much money and support she's gotten from fans lately.
  21. Of course now people's prints from Verde are arriving in flat envelopes, creased and torn. He and Melanie need to take a second to realize this isn't a good look. If people are paying them exorbitant amounts of money for random items, can they not at least ensure some quality control? Jesus Christ, lol.
  22. This is going to be a little long, so TL;DR: I disagree. First off, they've been friends since middle school, I'm pretty sure if he was using her for attention she'd have noticed by now. From what we can see though, they have a good relationship, with a foundation of shared interests in art. Hence, why they've gone crazy this year with crafting and doing nothing but taking pictures of each other in Hawaii. Melanie has also talked for a while about wanting to move back to NYC, make changes to her life and career, and has taken breaks to focus on herself, hobbies, projects, etc. This is probably just another one of those times, and it probably would have happened even if she was single. I'm just not sure her career is her top priority right now with the way things have been(leaks, fandom drama, etc), and as far as her new style goes, she's probably been looking for an excuse to pull back from the Cry Baby aesthetic for a while now. Keep in mind she was a teenager when she developed that style, it's understandable she may be over it as an almost 30 year old. It seems like people are just upset that she's changing, and while I get that, I'm not sure why people have expected her to stay the same for over 10 years now. Like I said, I think she's just over it at this point. Keep in mind that we have no idea what's going on in her life past the few things we've seen this year. She could be the happiest she's ever been for all we know.
  23. Well that was.. not what I was expecting. Kind of corny, but then again, it is a Cry Baby outtake and a lot of those edge into bad lyricism. Side note, a lot of the jewelry pieces from this latest drop are still unsold, and people are talking a lot of shit on Twitter. I wonder if that has anything to do with the leak. Her fans seem a bit over her lately and I can't blame them with the way things have been. I just wonder if this will have any effect on MM3 sales, or if we'll even get any interaction from her after all of this drama. At this point I wouldn't even be too surprised if she just never released the new album.
  24. Yikes. Wish I could say I didn't see this coming. Not sure why people would spend so much on such cheap jewelry just because a celebrity made it and act surprised when it's crap. https://mobile.twitter.com/CBNation_twt/status/155056631408699392
  25. The jewelry is selling much slower than the last drops, and she's getting serious criticism and harassment in the comments of each listing. I feel bad about it, but I'm also not sure what she expected from a fanbase that's at least 50% full of chronically online teenagers. It's just not smart to start marketing $50-$700 jewelry to people in the middle of a recession, and there are plenty of better ways she could make money. The lack of transparency is the real issue, though. If she needs money, she should just say that. If she's just selling stuff for fun, she should just say that. Hardly once this year has she interacted with her fans outside of selling them some overpriced crap and disappearing. At the end of the day, just because she can doesn't mean she should, and I don't think doing all of this at a time where her reputation is already damaged is a good move for her career. Or maybe this is just what happens when a psychic tells you you're special. Who knows.
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