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Everything posted by ButterflyBones

  1. Congratulations, we got one. For shoes.
  2. She finally posts an Instagram story, and she's releasing....Shoes..? Is this a fucking prank? Girl. We just want to know what the fuck is going on with the music.
  3. I don't think anyone is trying to be hateful, it's just impatience talking. People aren't wrong though about how messy things have been with her. She had a hit debut, then got bullied off the internet for a minute, came back with a school themed flop album followed by a B-side school themed EP, had some of her best music leaked, and went radio silent outside of pushing false release dates, overpriced jewelry, and NFTs. It's even been nearly a year since she posted anything besides a few IG stories, some of which also had false release dates. It's kind of easy to see why people are complaining, I just hope she comes back soon and strongly(if Atlantic will let her, jfc) with MM3 to make up for all of the bad PR.
  4. Fair, but let's be honest, nobody's thinking "December" when they hear "fun stuff coming in the Fall". Who knows what she really means at this point, I guess
  5. Remember last year when it felt like we were getting a new leak every day? That was nice..
  6. Melanie what the fuck November is almost OVER
  7. I'm pretty sure her record label is forcing her to "prove her success" before they give her the full budget for MM3. It would explain the re-release of the Cry Baby album before it even hits its 10th anniversary. She just wouldn't be the only artist they've done that to this year. They've even been doing that to their artists with the best sales by forcing them to tease songs on TikTok to judge their success. So, yeah. It could be that.
  8. Yes. Are we dumb for that? Probably also yes, but still.
  9. Those are her ex-roommates, actually! Kind of funny.
  10. The internet was a mistake..
  11. I mean.. the person who said that is clearly a troll who posts on eating disorder Twitter. I wouldn't care too much if they think Melanie is fat, not everyone's opinion deserves to be taken seriously.
  12. It'd be so fitting for MM3 if she decided to film in Mexico, so I hope she is. Life, death, rebirth, and the afterlife are all extremely important in Mexican culture and folklore, and there's so much beautiful scenery to work with. It would probably also be a lot less expensive than filming somewhere like Europe again, so all around it seems like a good choice.
  13. I still cannot believe we're getting a re-release of Cry Baby on vinyl before even getting a teaser for a new single. Her boyfriend just confirmed that they were shooting something while they were in Mexico though, so at least there's that
  14. She's supposedly coming back to the US from Mexico now, and was travelling with a full team of stylists as well as a rep from Atlantic Records. Something was definitely being filmed there. Considering 'The Bakery' came out almost immediately after it finished filming, we may even get something by the end of the month. I'm very excited to see the costumes and sets for this era, especially after seeing that ring.
  15. Be real nice if we could stream that single she's been talking about for nearly a year instead! One of the best snippets we've ever gotten IMO. I hope we get to hear the full soon.
  16. Kinda creepy honestly, the way they're clearly trying to mimic Melanie's voice. Not sure why so many young artists do that shit these days instead of just finding their own sound.
  17. I swear to fucking god if the only single we get this Fall is Gingerbread Man on vinyl..
  18. As far as we know yes, but she's gone back on things she's said before so I'm leaving room for interpretation, lol. I won't mind either way as long as it's got a nice video though.
  19. I'm also confused on how the official rollout of this era is going to go. She must be planning on playing something from MM3 though at the festival with all the mushroom emojis on her promo stories, so there's something. I'm really curious to see what she puts out as the first single, some people were thinking Faerie Soiree but I feel like it'll be something we haven't already heard.
  20. I wasn't trying to shade, it's just genuinely funny to me that so many artists people have been waiting years for(Rihanna, SZA, Sky, etc) came before Melanie when she's been teasing a single for months. Unexpected is a better word. I think the teasing is what's getting to people too, not really the space between releases. I wouldn't be surprised, but it would be a huge mistake on their part. If she can push something out before her Lollapalooza set in 2023, it would be a huge opportunity for promotion for MM3. Hopefully they realise that.
  21. I was giving the benefit of the doubt when September came and went with nothing, but the entire month of October? Weird. Usually long waits for new music wouldn't bother me, but she's got this album like a dollar on a fishing line and it's doing something to my patience. Like.. I cannot believe Rihanna is coming back before Melanie, lol..
  22. So, Rio Warner(Melanie's costumer) recently posted some IG stories that may have something to do with MM3. She's painting with earth tones, messing with moss, mixing up pastel glitter, etc. and said "I'm excited to show you guys what *we've* been working on". I could be totally off base, but we'll see.
  23. This is like the 20th 'announcing an upcoming announcement' we've gotten this year, lol. It's honestly getting funny now.
  24. Those comments are gross. I HIGHLY doubt that she was being groomed by Levine, and her music has always had a lot of themes like homewrecking, inappropriate relationships, chasing men that aren't yours/you can't have, etc., so there's nothing new there. It does make me think more about some of her music, though. She's talked about having a good life and never being abused, so it starts to seem like she's creating trauma-fanfiction and selling it to victims with certain songs. For instance, she wrote Teachers Pet to make a point about teacher/student grooming. But the way she filmed it was creepy in unintentional ways, and did we *really* need that plotline? Luckily most of her music isn't like that, and her intentions were good, but it's still triggering at times. Especially being made by someone who says none of those things ever happened to them. Anyway, this situation is really saddening for me as a lifelong abuse victim, and something that could affect her and her career very seriously if people don't chill out. I'm sure she's tired of being dragged into people's abuse allegations too, so we should respect her enough to not make shit up without evidence.
  25. Ngl I don't know where y'all hear some of this stuff, lol. I don't think she has a business or corporation at the moment. If she did, I don't think there would have been hand signed thank-you cards, and I doubt she would be doing weird things for money if she already had a business to be making money through, but who knows. You could be right with how crazy things have been with her lately
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