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Posts posted by hotshot2am

  1. This is all the (publicly accessible) info the iTunes database has, they are adding a release date field at some point but it's not there yet.


          "wrapperType": "track",

          "kind": "song",

          "artistId": 464296584,

          "collectionId": 1655349115,

          "trackId": 1655349125,

          "artistName": "Lana Del Rey",

          "collectionName": "Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd",

          "trackName": "A&W",

          "collectionCensoredName": "Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd",

          "trackCensoredName": "A&W",

          "artistViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/artist/lana-del-rey/464296584?uo=4",

          "collectionViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/album/a-w/1655349115?i=1655349125&uo=4",

          "trackViewUrl": "https://music.apple.com/us/album/a-w/1655349115?i=1655349125&uo=4",

          "artworkUrl30": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/30x30bb.jpg",

          "artworkUrl60": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/60x60bb.jpg",

          "artworkUrl100": "https://is3-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music113/v4/7c/c4/e5/7cc4e501-6b09-b379-bb54-a40de4615aa3/22UM1IM33313.rgb.jpg/100x100bb.jpg",

          "collectionExplicitness": "explicit",

          "trackExplicitness": "explicit",

          "discCount": 1,

          "discNumber": 1,

          "trackCount": 16,

          "trackNumber": 4,

          "trackTimeMillis": 433916,

          "country": "USA",

          "currency": "USD",

          "primaryGenreName": "Pop",

          "contentAdvisoryRating": "Explicit",

          "isStreamable": false

  2. 5 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

    wheres my girl @hotshot2am heyyyyy :hottie:


    I need some time, the way I get Apple Music data doesn't have a release date :bebe: It only displays the exact duration in ms: "duration":433916,

    iTunes would display the release date but that's not updated yet.


    @111 has proper methods to get release dates that I don't have.

  3. 1 minute ago, NikoGo said:

    I have 100% faith in Drew :true:


    Fingertips is the one I'm nervous for though, only because she mentioned it being her voice app with reverb slapped on. That gives me 'idc about vocal' vibes and that was my biggest complaint with BB. Production wasn't one of my complaints with BB, and with the same people working on the song I'm not worried about it at all


    @Brightsun said she recorded the vocals in the studio :dua: Maybe the voice notes were initially used for a demo.

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