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Posts posted by hotshot2am

  1. 1 hour ago, Venice Peach said:

    I remember those also showing as numbers at first and then with the title (or the other way around) so maybe it depends on how you upload it? But since we don't have the snippet we can't really do anything :icant:

    Any idea? @hotshot2am


    Yes, it depends on how the snippet gets uploaded, there are different methods and some give back more more data than others.


    But yes without the snippet itself we can't do anything.

  2. 2 minutes ago, honeymoonwhore said:

    how does that work? I always wondered what happens to all those videos/spotify songs that have like, 20 million streams... do they make money or are they blocked ? 


    I'm not sure how actively her team is taking down illegal uploads, some were up months from what I remember. So I don't know if they get paid out in the end, but Spotify pays $0.003 - $0.005 per stream according to Google, which means over $3-5k / day for this Yes To Heaven upload alone.

  3. 1 minute ago, Jeanne Dielman said:

    I'm a little confused. BOZ said that he saw the (almost correct) title either on ATRL or Twitter a few days ago, not here. Did someone post it on ATRL, too? Because I can't find anything on Twitter at all. Also, isn't Track 12 the one with the long ass title? I mean, according to the blurry tracklist it should be. And isn't Track 11 supposedly the Father John Misty "collaboration" with the RIOPY sample? I thought that this was confirmed a couple of days ago.


    Anyway, as much as I love her long titles, the Grandfather one ain't it, sadly. Hopefully it'll work in context. 


    It was posted on ATRL and we misinterpreted Kintsugi's 👴 reply as the FJM collab instead of the "Grandfather" word in the title.



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