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Everything posted by hotshot2am

  1. hotshot2am

    Weyes Blood

    Next single Grapevine out Tuesday according to ATRL
  2. The source of it being the lead single is this tweet but like I already said, it's possible that they wrote multiple tweets and simply deleted the incorrect ones.
  3. There's this tweet from August where someone said Lana will be on track 4 but I'm sure this person simply made 13 tweets and deleted the incorrect ones
  4. The September comment was in regards to Weyes Blood. Ben specifically said 9th album coming soon.
  5. The song is performed in the key of A major at approximately 176 beats per minute and lasts 4 minutes and 24 seconds, although an alternate mix of the song is registered on PPL Repertoire and lasts 4 minutes and 45 seconds, but this version remains unleaked. https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/Groupie_Love_(song)
  6. I wonder if we will get another "soon" comment from Ben in a couple months before we get any substantial info.
  7. https://www.rollingstone.co.uk/music/features/lana-del-rey-eastern-europe-popularity-23224/
  8. Monthly listeners can be deceiving since it mostly depends on in how many playlists an artist is.
  9. I need either a song leak or some LDR9 news
  10. Capitol Records remotely crashed the car
  11. @111 said on ATRL that it's unrelated to Lana.
  12. https://desertsun.com/story/life/2022/10/01/desert-daze-2022-king-gizzard-invigorates-sky-ferriera-shows-up-late/10445036002/ 20 minute set, 5 songs seems to be correct.
  13. Does anyone know how this works? Is she getting paid less if she comes way too late on stage? I can't imagine the organizers being happy about this. Or does it only hurt her reputation and she might not be booked in the future?
  14. I've only found a single tweet regarding her performance, she came 45 minutes late on stage and performed 3 songs.
  15. Then, in late 2013, he got his own heart broken. Feeling "fucked over" by the end of a long-term relationship, Haynie suddenly found himself writing songs of his own in studio parking lots during breaks from sessions for The Weeknd and Mark Ronson. When Lana came to Haynie's studio in New York for an Ultraviolence session one afternoon, the two got talking about relationships instead, and spontaneously recorded a demo. That session later became the We Fall track "Wait For Life," a song about impossible romance that's pinned around Lana's soft teasing out of the phrase, I'm lonely. https://www.thefader.com/2015/02/10/emile-haynie-interview There's also a third person with writing credit, Thomas Bartlett.
  16. I skipped over it, she only says that the new album is "pretty much" written.
  17. We have been fed with a single song since 2019
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