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caitlyn valliulina

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Everything posted by caitlyn valliulina

  1. is there a reason why she's late or is she just being careless
  2. I'm not about to go through this I got shit to do, I'll just wait until someone uploads it to YouTube
  3. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and there's no glitches or anything going on like last time
  4. I totally agree lol he definitely showed his ass
  5. this one omg. all of her homemade videos are so random ALMOST THE SAME EXACT THING HAPPENED WITH ME LOL it was the first thing I woke up to but I was still half asleep so I just skimmed through it and went back to sleep
  6. it's like if Lana blew up as May Jailer if yall know what I'm getting at
  7. OKAY SORRY that probably came off really wrong she just looked like she was crying and I couldn't tell if that was the case or she was just really emotional 💀
  8. she just finished out she literally servedddd omfg and flipside was a huge shocker like omg 😭💕
  10. the way he reached his hand out and said "hi lana 🥺🥺]&[/[&[
  11. someone needs to tell henrikress that he is NAWT a vocalist but OMG she is feeling these CN lyrics
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