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Posts posted by marryingkind

  1. Spoiler

    Fingertips is not the most exciting song but for sure it’s one of the most important songs that she ever did. I think that fingertips, white dress, bb and ww are the most personal songs that she ever wrote. 
    I’m really surprised on how Lana REALLY opened up herself. Bow down to the one and only queen and even if you dont like the song, you sure must RESPECT it.


  2. am I the only one that now wants to hear a&w with the following lyrics? 😭

    it would be so iconic tbh

    (I still love a&w tho)
    “Got a cop who turned on the back beat
    Puts the shower on while he calls me
    Sneaks out the back door to talk to me
    I'm invisible, you should’ve told me
    Did you really think I would spare your tears just to save your happiness?
    When I had no idea you were engaged.
    After all of those years, do you think I’d spare their tears to save my face? You must not have known who you were dealing with.“

  3. 1 hour ago, honeymoonwhore said:

    Charlie stop smoking is already so iconic idc :smokes3::smokes3::smokes3: and I'm over here trying not to smoke anymore, she gets me

    Girl you can do it! 
    I stopped smoking like 2 weeks ago. Wait until she releases the album and make it the first album you’re going to listen since you stopped smoking.

    I did that to A&W, it was the first song I listened since I decided i’m not smoking anymore. You can do it and it has been great (except the first 3 days lol)

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