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Posts posted by marryingkind

  1. 10 minutes ago, Pretty When You Fart said:

    How are the NFR girlies feeling about the album so far? I was lukewarm about the title track, I think it’s beautiful but pretty standard Lana. A&W I thought was incredible. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this album ended up in my top 3.


    I dont think it will be my favorite album, but I think that it will be on my top 3! 


  2. 49 minutes ago, American Whore said:

     same here. it's hard too, because what she's talking about in newer stuff, i don't think i've heard anyone else talk about in their music. idk. maybe i just don't have a broad enough spectrum for music (and i would say i do, typically) but it's just not... familiar for me within what i listen to.


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    and it makes me feel less alone with my problematic relationship with my own mom... 



    Feel you, girl. WW made me

    be finally able to speak about my mom in my therapy.

    I’m way more excited for her lyrics where she talks about family and stuff, idk… now that I’m older I see how much I’ve been shaped by my family and how it’s important to think about my roots to understand my branches somehow


  3. 15 minutes ago, ShadesOfViolence said:

    i'm asking this to people describing the leaked songs immaculate, perfect etc..  Are you guys saying this in a delusional way like the way you did with Blue Banisters(album) or in a genuine way :hooker:


    It’s good! I’ll not dare to say like “it seems like it’s her best album EVER” but I do have some pretty good feelings about this era. Maybe the sound of it will not be the best, but the lyrics probably gonna let us really proud of her growth


  4. 2 minutes ago, lemonadedelrey said:

    Yeah I agree, it’s just interesting that none of the kids are close with her. I’m just going off what I’ve heard Lana say and the absence of her mom from all of their lives says a lot imo 

    Yeah! That’s real. And if I’m not mistaken, they were closer like in 2012-2013. but I do remember that lana said that her mom didn’t liked the “my pussy tastes like pepsi cola” line



    https://www.pressparty.com/pg/newsdesk/lanadelrey/view/112698/?isworld=y Here

  5. 3 minutes ago, lemonadedelrey said:
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    I think her mom wasn’t ever really a MOM to her. Like she didn’t want to deal with any of her problems, she just wanted to send Lana away to institutions or boarding schools instead of mothering her. Probably because she thought Lana ruined the image of being a perfect wealthy happy family. And apparently she was verbally abusive or aggressive towards her, sounds like a total narcissist  



    I think that we should be careful when calling her a narcissist or something like this bc we only see Lana’s side. Idk. For me it seems that they fall into that tragic (but common) mom x daughter conflict (which is pretty sad).

    idk, it feels kinda wrong name calling patricia (but as someone who struggles a lot with my own mother I get all the rage/sadness etc in those kind of relationships)


  6. 33 minutes ago, ByDayAnother said:
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    I’ll say this re: The Grants


    i enjoyed it but only listened once. It didn’t quite hit me except as an interesting and pleasant opener, but thematically sound given the religious themes. Looking forward to analysing further when I hear it in context with the album. Does anyone have the lyrics (sorry, hate being that person)?



    That’s a good point! I agree with you and gonna keep that in mind


  7. 8 minutes ago, baddisease said:


    spill pls

    I’ll just say that I find it really funny how when “being proud” of your culture became trendy (aka 2010’s and beyond) some of the whitest artists ever were like “I’m so proud of my latin heritage”.  Girl the only word that you know is abuela– and the music that they have made is nothing like latin music, it’s just a generic pop song with some latin influences.


  8. 1 minute ago, baddisease said:


    I could see how imitating Latin Americans could be wrong. (Before anyone says anything I'm not an American.)

    Girl she’s not imitating, she’s being influenced by us… but some latin-descendent artists on the other hand👀👀👀


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