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Everything posted by AtomicMess

  1. I just wanna know what is this stan trend of "claiming" songs. All you have is a tracklist and a vague concept of album direction. Seeing people go "Oh! Claiming song XYZ!" - so weird. I've seen it in a few posts here. Someone explain.
  2. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I'm so mad I didn't get a coke vinyl.
  3. Bubblegum bitch MV except it's just marina in a shitty wig chewing on some bubble tape and swiping left on tinder for 4 minutes straight.
  4. my burning of the library of Alexandria AND the fall of Rome And in the future when things (sadly/eventually) vanish off streaming because of rights disputes, people who bought the physicals will be laughing the house down
  5. I'm filing a lawsuit on that font because it's definitely not ADA accessible.
  6. As the #1 Melanie Martinez hater and ill-wisher, this greatly disappoints me as a mid-level Marina lover.
  7. We did hear a bit of it in ADIAML overall I think, it's just that it was still an attempt to do something.....sophisticated? With the lyrics? And it muted out the rage that could have otherwise been the star of the show. As Melanie Martinez's #1 Hater, I feel a sense of irony in saying this, but I'd wonder what would happen if Marina just went feral and had "fuck" every other lyric and just got crude and downright brutish dumb with her songwriting? Maybe just for a small little EP? I feel like Marina always is working to channel her emotions and ideas through some degree of polish. It's one of the things I love about her, but I wonder what it would be like if she just.....didn't. I'm also going to maintain my statements that she just needs to commit to a whole ass concept album, just for a beat, to wring out this....aura....that seems to be clinging to her music that we're all noticing but can't always quite articulate. She's talked about some shit with greek gods and zodiac and all that jazz in the past as an idea, and I just really wish she'd do it. Each song could be from a different perspective of the gods; just to get out of her head. But that's just my armchair nonsense.
  8. So much irony in this lyric.
  9. Oh. Now isn't that a thought.
  10. That is so weird to do that when you could just....get a copy of the album in lossless from literally anywhere and use those for the masters. My copy is also really great as well. The lacking of a HQ art though does make me scratch my head. Someone posted a HQ version of the uncensored cover in here awhile back. It's out there. You just need to take it, run it through something like GigaPixel AI to upscale it significantly, then downscale back. Anyone with good PS knowledge would be able to sharpen and clean it up from there for some immaculate cover work IMHO. The poster was a nice touch I was like "Oh???? wtf?" didn't expect that.
  11. I personally think people just wanted to clutch their pearls and feel some sort of outrage for the thrill of it. People LOOOOVE to be on the "right" side of a public outcry over morals. It takes two to tango here. Ariana may have "poached" someone else's man....but that man said "Yes" and went along with it. He's just as "bad" as her in the situation, and what I ultimately think puts gas on the fire is that most people don't want to admit that marriage and kids doesn't mean your relationship is final, locked down, and "good". Someone who's in a happy, loving, perfect marriage and who has a great relationship can't be "stolen". A home has to have some significant holes in it for someone to walk in and "homewreck", and I think a lot of people don't want to admit that reality, because it means doubting the stability of their own relationships to some degree. Better to take all that emotion and keep it on the outside and throw it at the "harlot" with no morals who "selfishly home wrecked and took a father away from his wife and child", rather than admit that maybe two people unhappy in their own relationships found each other and realized that they could have better. Once the media got tired of the story and ran something else, people stopped imaging themselves in her/their shoes and self-inducing rage by imaging it happening to them. Then folks simply just moved on. (Then Wicked came out and the joys of a good performance erased any traces of controversy from their minds). That's just my 2 cents.
  12. AtomicMess

    Rebecca Black

    The way nobody in here moved. I guess nobody really was ready.
  13. That's so sad. I hope it's something operable and able to be removed, and her mom can make a full recovery. But also....the concept of "an artist has a sick family member we should lock a thread" is wild to me lmao.
  14. NTMT vinyl bootlegs are appearing on the market. With titty cover. I guess this is as good as it's gonna get for a repress of that album, lmao.
  15. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    This is the worst fucking timelines ELLEN VON UNWERTH EXCUSE ME now that would be interesting ugh I wish I could see that
  16. The vinyl having 'mayhem' etched in/textured in is a nice little detail.
  17. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Charli Charli Liv Tyler looks great.
  18. AtomicMess

    Rebecca Black

    Bombing this thread to say y'all ain't ready for Salvation.
  19. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    It's these ones from her that I love the most, because they resonate with me. I'm going through some shit rn and this one just *clicked*.
  20. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I've got the version from the 'You're the One' EP but I also have the TR album sampler version as well. It's a subtle difference in mixing between the two when I pull it up and compare. I guess the TR Sampler version is the single version? It clocks at 3:44 for me.
  21. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Do you not consider that one the intro-less version or? What's the song length on the one you're talking about?
  22. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Me with 3:56, 3:58, 4:03..... Slight BPM variations between them, slightly different instrumentation/mastering, one sounds pitched down a smidge, different arrangements.... Lots of dead air at the end of the tracks as well so the actual start/end time differs from the file.
  23. I've decided I want to make the nominations for next year so I guess 2025 I'm leaving the XCX thread. Y'all been warned. Didn't even realize there was a hottest lippy award I should've been able to clear that I think....
  24. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    I love it when I see objectively correct, inarguable truths posted in this thread that are 100% undeniable and in no way challengeable on any merit ever.
  25. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    this comment is totally holy and angelic I promise
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