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Yameena Khatri

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Everything posted by Yameena Khatri

  1. Honeymoon is no longer alive and breathing.
  2. Wtf is wrong with her 😭😭😭
  3. Not her taking requests from crowd 😭😭
  4. What's her obsession with stripping down things that are already stripped down? 😭 It still sounds lovely tho 🥺
  5. Makes me happy she still puts effort into visuals. I was scared she's gonna take 'strictly music' route
  6. Such a brilliant video! Kinda hoping she'd release an alternate video like arcadia
  7. https://stanfordreview.org/the-right-wing-straussianism-of-lana-del-rey/ Came across this article. Who tf are these people?
  8. Is 'Aaron Greene' supposed to be the dead guy she sings about in Dark Paradise?
  9. It would be so perfect if SWEET gets a homemade MV similar to NFR title track. With the disney animations running around. It's such a cool concept having 2D animations blend with live videos.
  10. I loved the way the samples are produced. They sounded so fresh to hear in the record. About time she stop recycling her own melodies.
  11. Candy Necklace just sounds so expensive and otherworldly. She still got that sauce and mysticism I was afraid she'd lost over the time.
  12. Grandfather could easily be a 90's & early 2000's classic. It lives in the same realm of Clocks by Coldplay & Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve. Such a stunning song!
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