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Everything posted by jamesss

  1. wait has there been previous experiences with him and lana
  2. look familiar?? this is the exact same place i think
  3. babes i think everyone is reaching. that’s not the same shirt like??? wait nvm i’m sorry guys
  4. this is why we wear sunscreen!!! no excuses babes
  5. jamesss


    i think that honeymoon is about Los Angeles. like she moved to LA and she’s stuck in her honeymoon phase. it makes sense because starline tours is a LA wide tourist attraction. of course a newlywed couple would go on that tour, but she’s alone. she’s touring LA. she’s in love and in her honeymoon phase with LA.
  6. i’ll kill myself because my life will be complete and i’ll have no reason to live anymore if that happens
  7. guys what if she teases some tacky picsart low quality selfie as an album cover
  8. manifesting three surprise albums
  9. it’s always, “which ian, which ian,” but never “how’s ian.”
  10. wait is there really a track called i got this
  11. yeah i agree like babes needs to review before she posts
  12. wait @Surf Noir what?? i saw the first message but what happened to the other one about houneymoon
  13. literally four other people said this bestie yes i apologized oml
  14. can i doc makes sense also is houneymoon on lanaboards?
  15. yes i agree im sorry genuinely didn’t think this one through i can officially say my bad. ily all and i definitely want to like make it up to you guys maybe i’ll save up and buy the track as an apology or smthn tbh no because im actually really sorry i feel so bad and the guilt is setting in im actually sorry like i did NOT think it though. thankfully there’s no harm done and hopefully we can breathe deep breaths
  16. yikes i didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. it’s not like im begging him for an album?? i just wanted to confirm it was him because everyone was confused. im sorry guys oml. if it makes you feel better it’s just some random guy in texas.
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