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Everything posted by Louise

  1. It can't be ruled out Lana will perform - it might be the ideal venue to debut the live of DYKTTATUOB? VideoConnoisseur is LIveConnoisseur on twitter - I am always on the lookout for the live!
  2. You're right! Trying to keep up, and got sent to Random Lana Discussion Thread.
  3. Good point . . . Lana's world she barely whispers one time, and it's news around the world!
  4. All the artists I like, it is enough to enjoy their music . . . and what Lana and them put out to the public. I defer to the other fans, who deserve her so richly . . . Just like I would like to have coffee with Ann & Nancy Wilson and Sue Ennis from Heart for two hours and ask all the questions - like that would never happen, and not be interrupted by starstruck fans. Older crowd . . . It could be temptation to get personal questions answered, like, "when is the next single?" and report back here. But, I wouldn't want to do that - you know what I mean?
  5. I do. Guess I am projecting. It is funny when Taylor had all ten spots on the BB Hot 100 on her album release. Drake duplicated that the following week when he released, except he couldn't unseat Taylor's #1, so he did a screenshot but crossed out Taylor Swift at the top spot . . . It says something about society, how men are raised, how they view women. I like when Lana has material success so all the Dave Grohl's and others cool to her spot in the industry can grind their teeth! (Dave Grohl is proud he talked his daughter out of buying Lana Del Rey when he treated her at a record store, instead talking her into some traditional rock album. But then, he was mean to Courtney.)
  6. Oww! That's harsh. Maybe it's true. That's why I never want to meet Lana, so there is no chance I could accidentally exploit her.
  7. That is me, until I discovered this forum . . . whew! Lana gives a lot, is my impression. Through her music. Also, I can't deny these pap pics are building the excitement, looking good attending a Grammy(s) aftershow party hosted by Taylor . . . It shows Lana is not bitter over Grammy snub, Taylor being influenced by Lana, and Jack for producing the Lorde's work which includes Lana's melodies, prolly because Lana has at least been nominated, Taylor is very vocal over her admiration for Lana, and maybe it just got past Jack about the melodies. It is more Lorde's theft than Jack's, if that makes sense. The pap pics with Lana looking good and smiling glamorously IS part of the rollout, imo . Also, according to one source, Lana began following Billie Eilish on Feb.7th. There must be closure there as well. So, I am excited based on the paprazzi pics and twitter news, besides discovering LanaBoards. It seems like Lana fans here are discerning over the sources and facts.
  8. Outside of LanaBoards, where fans are dialed in, are mainstream consumers of Lana's music concerned of info outside official announcements, like the DYK single release, and the album date?
  9. Thanx, mods, for moving this! In aggregate, this data is sold to investors to find out the financial health of businesses such as Chipotle, which has some 3000 stores which do 3 million in annual revenue each, and is publicly traded on the stock market. Investors buy or sell based on how many people are visiting. People like Lana I'm afraid ARE targets because of how hugely popular . . . If I were her - Lana, you reading this? - I would move important discussion to hotmail or yahoo on a browser which is NOT Chrome, to keep things private. Not "Google mafia," but Mafia, period. Or, US Mafia. The US Mafia insiders who stole the snippets post them to acquire authority, because the stolen snippet still gets thousands of views, even though Lana has asked her fans to NOT view or listen . . . No ass photos involved. That is a funny assumption! Mafios have the whole dark web available, and can access all the photos. Here is a NY Times article with fun graphics showing the population density at certain geographical spots. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/19/opinion/location-tracking-cell-phone.html
  10. It's true. You carry a smart phone, they know where you get coffee, work, etc. They know it from the GPS on new model cars, too. The connection is: any communications between Lana and her team via gmail gets leaked. Why do leaked snippets get promoted on twitter? Where did it come from?
  11. It is. Never use gmail for anything important: financial, health, etc.
  12. Those mafiosos - Google - read our gmails and use insider info to its benefit . . . insider trading, etc. Noone holds the Google accountable. It costs $$ to sue.
  13. Thanx for my 16 Likes on my dissertation about Beautiful made on Sunday! It was nice to receive affirmation, because it felt embarrassing later to have posted emotional stuff . . . The quote, above: ha ha. Yesterday I saw on twitter A&W announcement, so sat down with dried mango - which I bought a big sack of at Sprouts and enjoyed it like my late dog Pepi used to go at his rawhide bone under the dining table my family ate dinner at growing up in Connecticut - while catching up after I left off Monday, some 60 pages. There was a lot of activity yesterday! Total relaxation to prep for a big job cleaning up a burnt out apartment. "Nothing but speculation and inside jokes" - there is quite a bit, it is true. Also rich information, like the live performance of Little Anthony & the Imperials Shimmy Shimmy Koko Bop, this link to 26Music.de production info about Did You Know album; https://www.25music.de/11593369,4,lp,-,lana-del-rey,did-you-know-that-there-s-a-tunnel-under-oceanblvd,-,pop,602448591913,060244859191.html with production info on every song, yet some are still TBC - meaning, to be contributed? and this blog post: What is Known about Did You Know songs so far: http://lanaboards.com/blogs/entry/1597-ldr9-info-masterpost . . . Sidenote: Dried mango is the color of my logo. It is very dry and chewy. I sourced my logo from a Lana fan. I think the word "stan" originated with the Lana fandom. Everything we see in culture - all the drone videos of waves against rock islands, people surfing, cat eye eyeliner from maybelline, all the commercials, locations in Long Beach, originate with Lana and the Lana fandom. Lana fans are amazing graphic artists. Most Lana fans use iPhones and iPads, and are proficient filmers and recorders. The culture is moved forward by the Lana fandom!
  14. You people have me running to Wikipedia looking up Sade Love Deluxe and Les Baxter's Jewel of the Sea . . . interesting! Suppose Neil being old is more in tune with that era.
  15. Listened to this whole instrumental that is dreamy, jazzy, complete on its own - thanx!
  16. It is interesting to read everyone's opinions. To get your perspective. I just listened to Beautiful and nearly cried how deep it goes for me. It is like Lana wrote that one just for me! It had to be that way. Unfinished sounding, dissonant notes on the outro. Maybe one day you-all will hear it different and the impact might nearly slaughter! It says to me, you can distill a thing down to its basics. Like me, I feel like Lana is in touch with the child-like person she is inside. It is a triumph of years of therapy. To find out where things went wrong. This world is imperfect, there ARE reasons to be sad, and sometimes you have to FEEL those things legitimately . . . You have to grieve the person you could have been. You have to grieve period. And the dissonant, choppy piano keys. I am not a fan of cubism, and particularly Picasso, though his earliest drawings are okay. It's okay to not jump on the bandwagon with celebrated personalities, if you don't feel it. But, I get the choppy keys, like the geometric shapes split out in cubism. I guess this painting of two women with parts split out like crystals. There are different facets to us, like a diamond, and we can feel pulled in all different directions. Not to flog a thing! Jean Metzinger, 1910-11, Deux Nus Grateful to this forum. Just when I REALLY needed it, I listened to Beautiful, and it is healing to me over what I am going through. If there was no discussion, I wouldn't have listened.
  17. Yesterday this thread was in the 1290's. Now in the 1260'a - there must have been lots of posts moved! Good job, mods!
  18. Two reasons I can think of . . . Though Lana has mentions in US Vogue, and a full page with Alessandro Michele at the Met Gala 2019? 1) Not popular the fragile, authentic, delicate, passive, submissive sides Lana embodies . . . when strong women are promoted as the ideal. 2) The son-in-law is Francesco Carrozzini of US Vogue editor. HIs mother, Franca Sozzani, is former editor-in-chief of Italian Vogue. Doesn't surprise me Lana is not hugely featured! Reminds me of me.
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