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Posts posted by stillrun

  1. 15 hours ago, dollanganger said:

    so i went to goodwill today and i found a v for vendetta dvd...... on the fifth of november. and i knew that that meant i had no choice but to finally watch it tonight. i enjoyed :popcorn:


    i could never get into that movie....off topic but do you live in America? this image....i love this image..............vibes.

  2. 7 hours ago, Pnin said:

    I just… need the dances.  I need 2c the dances. :crying5:


    i know I’m trite & tired, ok!! 

    yeah seeing the choreography will be the most exciting part. :excited:

  3. 2 hours ago, Rose McGowan said:

    Ain’t that what your bestie @111does on nearly every post here? ijbol 


    i haven't seen @111 specifically target any users on this forum like yourself and that other one above....but if you'd like to point me in the direction of the posts i would love to see it! the only thing 111 does is talk about Sky Ferreira which.......they stay on topic....can't say the same for you or many others in here :makeup:

  4. off topic: i love when people psycho analyze people they don’t know on the internet. it’s actually comical and deranged. 


    ot: Sky, please get a lawyer if you’re reading this!!! i also don’t see a problem with coming here to criticize her…..it’s a music forum. we’re here to express our opinions! :oprah2: what a weird statement to make!

  5. 22 minutes ago, lonely lonely night said:

    i mean look at her original contemporaries charli and grimes; both are extremely successful now and sky arguably had the leg up due to her industry connections. if she had released 2 or 3 albums by this point she would have cemented herself as a gen z fiona apple/hope sandoval/courtney love and could have occupied a niche similar to what halsey currently fills. 2010s tumblr culture has been hugely influential in art/music/fashion in the 2020s, and if sky had grown her career over the years i feel like she could have 100% been a main indie pop gerl

    it’s really sad looking back what she could have been. she wasted her time being angry instead of just putting shit out and getting out of whatever contract she was in. i refuse to believe Capitol cared that much about her doing a POP sound. she just couldn’t keep up with the deadlines, it’s her fault. sorry girlie, should’ve looked at the contract closer!!!

  6. 1 hour ago, pin up galore said:

    the way capitol has never responded the countless times she’s blamed them for holding off on her releases :godlaugh2: they truly dgaf

    not once. not a single time. NEVER. 

    they know she's a lazy liar! :hillary: they were speedy as hell with Halsey though because she makes them money and she has an actual fanbase that consists of more than just 5 gay men on the internet. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Pnin said:

    Off topic but look at you with your Wet sig!! Deadwater is an all time fave song of mine since it was released


    TASTE. Wet is my favorite band ever. :hair:


    OT: weird girl!

  8. 33 minutes ago, pinkfuneral said:

    what's stopping her from releasing an EP of the completed songs and then hiring a lawyer to negotiate her way out of the Capitol contract?

    i've said this many times in this thread but the know-it-alls tell me that won't work and she's trapped in her contract as if they know every detail :lmao:please. no more of this #FreeSkyFerreira bullSHIT, tell her to get a fucking lawyer. such idiotic times we're living in.

  9. 8 minutes ago, vitriolkisses said:

    No shade but Sky’s videos aren’t very impressive/inventive to me (aside from YNTO) so she might as well skip the DF mv :lmao: 

    If she’s just gonna be singing along to it looking gorgeous in her gown and makeup, great but it doesn’t feel essential

    all shade, nobody at Capitol or on Halsey's team was checking for her shit. that conspiracy is so tired.

  10. 5 minutes ago, JudahSoCutah said:

    you do know why people compare sky to halsey right... its because when halsey was making her debut to capitol they were def using skys ideas for her, watch ghost music video by halsey and then watch night time, my time video by sky! also the so good tea was also kinda similar to skys problem but that might be a little reach

    i’m not even going to address your conspiracy theory. i was talking about them being completely different artists in terms of sound and commercial success.

  11. 26 minutes ago, DownhillLullaby said:

    What do you exactly suggests us to do so?

    She's been complaning about waiting for their approval on release dates and about them forever.

    Curious because when Halsey called them out, her fans did the same and they quickly used their media to address the "situation"


    :lmao: Sky Ferreira is no Halsey by ANY means. Halsey actually makes Capitol money so let’s start there. Halsey actually has a massive fanbase too, not 5 gay men on the internet.


    what do i suggest you do….get out your pitchforks and march on over to Capitol Records because harassing social media accounts will do nothing for Sky.

  12. 10 minutes ago, DownhillLullaby said:

    I think we should harass Capitol Records in every post...

    i think harassing Capitol under every social media post will do nothing but go for it :lmao:

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