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Posts posted by stillrun

  1. 59 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:


    not at all surprised by this tbh considering she's also friends with nicki and her rapist husband

    exactly exactly. 

  2. 4 hours ago, pinkfuneral said:

    do y'all really believe she would be capable of holding down a job at target or applebee's...




    she can't even show up on time to her own festival shows or interviews. as recent as her ES magazine shoot and even dating back to her 2019 p4k feature (and probably others) she has been not minutes but hours late to interviews.

    she doesn’t work a job at all. i just know she has to be living with her mom (nothing wrong with that by the way) or living off Capitol money. the modeling jobs are not often enough for her to afford rent.

  3. 29 minutes ago, 111 said:

    she subconsciously enjoys the position she is in right now because it benefits her in some way being in this victim role, otherwise she would have done any of the things mentioned here ages ago to at least get stuff out. there are artists far less fortunate than her who fund their entire careers out of pocket with whatever little they have, she believes she is entitled for a lot more and until she gets that she is going to play this game.


    if she cared so much about being an actual artist, you'd see it from her live performances and gigs. but no, she had to show up significantly late to every show, have "sound issues" (you just can't sing girl) and look like she just crawled out of a hole. everything is really embarrassing huh. 


    :popcorn: another great post. she does truly enjoy the attention, it's very poor me!!!! like girl......get a fucking LAWYER. we don't give a fuck anymore.

    i need someone to tell me why she was wearing massive jackets to every festival performance as well......it's a bit odd to be wearing that when it's 80 degrees outside....just sayin! :hillary:

  4. 27 minutes ago, EmptyPromises said:


    You both have your moments sometimes.


    I wonder what the excuse will be for the album not coming out. She really can't be vague anymore about why it's not coming, at all. 

    real recognizes real!!


    i’m sure she’ll say…. “the album couldn’t exist under a…..errr a….global warming is so bad right now it just can’t exist at all”


    in all seriousness i am looking forward to her excuse!

  5. 10 hours ago, Pale Fire said:


    this reads as a @111 post

    my sister @111 and i are some of the only users with working brains so i understand the mix up but i promise this was all original letterblue content.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Deadly Cruel Girl said:


    I need someone to explain this post to me. lol




    They are "keeping Sky captive" because they don't want her to have a successful career? This sounds like something Alex Jones would say. 


    "They basically want to hold her hostage until she's too old to go anywhere else. Since if she leaves now, she can still save her career by signing to a label which will truly value her work and support her."






    Capitol Records won't let Sky go because she represents a threat to other artists signed at the Capitol Records. They basically want to hold her hostage until she's too old to go anywhere else. Since if she leaves now, she can still save her career by signing to a label which will truly value her work and support her.


    ................ :lmao: if Sky Ferreira truly wanted to be "free" from Capitol Records she could and should find a lawyer instead of making delusional and gullible people believe she's being held captive in some sort of.... #FreeBritney situation....she's not in any sort of conservatorship. this is a truly sick woman....with MANY mental health concerns just like her fanbase!

  7. 54 minutes ago, 111 said:

    ahh good morning america! :hottie:

    feeling great this morning as i feel like i'm finally surrounded by sane people who are realizing Sky is at fault for the majority of her flop career! how about you? :godlaugh2:

  8. the amount of “(this never happens)” in the timeline :lmao: you know i had to laugh. 

    why would Capitol promote her like they did this year if they were holding her shit captive please…..i’m believing it’s 100% on Sky. the only wrong Capitol has done is signing a lazy ass girl at 15. 


    her mother also needs to stay out of this shit forreal!

  9. 1 hour ago, EXODUS said:


    It's absurd how much people keeps defending her and acting as if she already had the album finishes ages ago and Capitol is blocking the release. 


    Are people that blind? 

    yes people are that blind. they believe Sky Ferreira and her music are being held captive by Capitol Records. just an extremely delusional fanbase. it’s sort of sad to see. #FreeSkyFerreira and don’t forget to sign the change.org petition. we’re almost at 5,000 meaningless signatures!! :toofloppy:

  10. On 10/5/2021 at 3:58 PM, The Siren said:

    slight change x


    Top God trinity

    Honourable Mention trinity

    Average tier

    Songs that I want erased from existence tier


    1. Bel Air
    2. Cola
    3. Gods & Monsters
    4. Body Electric
    5. American
    6. Ride
    7. Burning Desire
    8. Yayo
    9. Blue Velvet


    Top God trinity

    Honorable Mention's

    Average tier

    Songs that I want erased from existence tier


    1. Ride
    2. Yayo
    3. Cola
    4. American
    5. Burning Desire
    6. Blue Velvet
    7. Body Electric
    8. Gods & Monsters
    9. Bel Air

  11. 12 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    Anyone seen her recent IG

    :facepalm: like i said YESTERDAY. she's liking comments about Capitol limiting her from doing whatever the fuck she wants. meanwhile she's sabotaging her own career by showing up late to every performance and every interview. it's been said that she shows up at Capitol for 30 minutes once a month. 


    she's truly a sick woman, i hope she gets the help she so desperately needs so she can stop stringing along her dumbo delusional ass fans. :bye:

  12. 10 hours ago, Rose McGowan said:

    A petition for an album to be released.. an album that isn’t even a quarter finished? Ijbol

    a change.org petition. an online petition that NO ONE will see, no one at Capitol at least. Capitol isn’t blocking shit mind you.  :lmao: i need the girls to get a grip. so Capitol doesn’t want to spend millions on someone who can’t and won’t make them money, i don’t blame them!? 

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