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Everything posted by Blossom

  1. on the bright side, his team will prob make him release one of the songs w Lana earlier to get his streaming up
  2. nah I think we had the last laugh bc ur publicly embarrassing him in this thread and we're all living for it
  3. article is from 2015. when's the career high happening?
  4. okay no ones arguing w u about Queen OBVIOUSLY being more "accomplished" than Lana (they also started 40 years earlier than her...) . But Adam Lambert??? This??? is who ur defending????
  5. i'm dying, how are they proving ur point??
  6. who in tf is Adam Lambert and why are we talking about him???
  7. Blossom

    TikTok Updates

    This is certainly one way of getting those A&W streaming numbers back up
  8. Lol I like how in the necklace pic she's just sitting in a towel on her bed w her laptop on the floor bc same
  9. this makes me so sad. She's for sure seen them
  10. Jared what's gotten into you? Ever since A&W you've been normal? and dare I say, borderline insightful. I'm so here for ur newfound positivity era !!
  11. oh Patty... better stalk up on groceries now and prepare to go into hiding for the next year
  12. Not rolling stone calling him Daddy Del Rey too
  13. Blossom

    Gracie Abrams

    ngl I preferred This Is What It Feels Like a lot more, but this was a good debut album!
  14. Blossom

    Gracie Abrams

    hahaha omg okay i was gonna say we would’ve run into eachother bc i think it’s a small venue
  15. Blossom

    Gracie Abrams

    oh lord r u going to the concert…
  16. Blossom

    Gracie Abrams

    mines Fault Line too! didn’t realize u were a gracie fan ??
  17. if anyone makes a spotify playlist for streaming Robs song lmk and i’ll stream it in the night lmao bc he deserves it. I would make it myself but my spotify is my real name and my irl friends follow it lol
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