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one time beauty queen

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Everything posted by one time beauty queen

  1. how early do those lanalnkto links appear before a single comes out? or can they be made to only show the second the song releases?
  2. Are the "A&W out this week for sure" theorists still alive and breathing? come back we need you
  3. apparently there's a Caleb Followill style guitar riff right before the Kings of Leon namecheck on this song, if true that’s masterful production right there & I'm so thankful that Lana is so thoughtful about her art. (I saw a KOL fan talk about it once, I just can't confirm cause I'm not a KOL fan myself.. highly guessing they didn't pull that out of their ass tho)
  4. Lana & the two interscope girls we saw following are gonna hard launch oceanblvd together Joint girlboss slay
  5. honeymoon vs terrence loves you
  6. the delulu/high from yesterday's chaos has worn off & now I'm scared we're once again getting nothing this week but i also have trust issues when it comes to Lana drops so Its probably a defence mechanism
  7. plus as she's referencing that Harry Nilsson song anyway, it would've been cool to have the "Don't Forget Me" right in the song's title, kind of like she's done with California (Joni) & Cinnamon Girl (Neil Young)
  8. sad eyed lady of the lowlands by bob dylan at 2:17 am … yeah
  9. & earlier they brought up that on Jan 23 they posted "she's coming in feb" as some sort of proof.. literally a newborn baby could've guessed she's gonna do something in feb atp be serious
  10. tw for oversharing but my bf & i are long distance atm like the last time i saw him was nov 19</3 but he’s flying in on wednesday for a couple weeks so i will legit cry if Lana releases something on that day or friday … or even next week at the very latest, just to experience a lana release with him omg i want it so bad especially because i know we won’t be together in person for the album on the 24th. he’s not really a lana fan on his own or anything (though he recognises her objective talent lyrically&sonically and enjoys listening along with me, especially cause she often references some of his musical faves) but he’s a me fan & supports my antics omg it would just be cute to be able to associate whatever song comes out with the memory of reuniting with my bf. Sweet would probably be better for that than the angry a&w but you take what you can get
  11. 5 mins till the next full hour and Neil just posted, feeling hopeful for that oceanblvd debut
  12. tbh the theorising on the tagged posts wasnt unreasonable at all, i actually moved and looked myself when you and some others mentioned that the theory i found stupid was the “there’s no way she could have this many follows so quick and THEREFORE it’s the old account” cause like? Yes she could she’s literally LDR she’s insanely famous not some unknown small indie artist bffr but you’re right,, time to move on and prepare for album trailer/a&w single drop
  13. yeah exactly def not trying to be rude but lana is one of the biggest musical artists in the world rn & it’s funny how some people are acting as if she’s like underground or something & as if 100K is way too many follows in 3 hours for an entire ass account when celebrities, taylor swift for example, can get that amount on a single tweet within an hour or two idk, it’s just not that shocking to me. we’re in 2023, the social media age and most people also have multiple accounts.. mains / burners / fan accounts. etc etc
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