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one time beauty queen

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Everything posted by one time beauty queen

  1. not you saying “whore” is slang term for “woman” like ik what you mean but… a slang term for “woman” would be like “gal” or someshit. not a misogynistic slur which has been used to dehumanise women for years… IDM women reclaiming it but pls "woman" is not interchangeable w "whore" or "bitch" etc
  2. ive had some thoughts on this too .. like obviously its a cute little double entendre & maybe its rly not that deep but its still interesting to look into A&W itself: a fast-food chain that started out in California specifically def ties into the Lanasphere - mother is obsessed with anything California-coded & is constantly comparing herself to places in California.. Wikipedia also says its the oldest food chain in America which I think is somewhat worth notinggiven the themes of the title track.. "dont forget me", seemingly a fear of aging etc. I guess besides that, its obv less crass than "American Whore", none of Lanas titles are really straight up crass like that (minus FMWUTTT ...maybe this ruins the theory) even if the lyrics are.. thinking G&M, Cola etc. so maybe that influenced the choice too? ahhh idk, just some random thoughts- but i cant wait to hear this track
  3. Jan 26th 2022 was on a Wednesday … if by “last weekend” they literally mean the weekend that just happened like 3 days before then that means he married on the Jan 21(Friday)- Jan 23(Sun) weekend. but wouldn’t you more likely say “OVER the weekend” since it’s so recent? if they actually meant the weekend before, it would be the 14th(Friday)-16th(Sun) weekend.... which is only one day off from Jan 13th… A&W/AMERICAN WHORE IS COMING THIS FRIDAY PART II
  4. this photo being posted yesterday.. AW showing AW=American Whore American Whore has 13 letters……. ITS COMING THIS FRIDAY THE 13TH CONFIRMED
  5. just did this for the first time.. omg it got really hard at some points but i tried my best
  6. i was too lazy to go thru every page of this thread so my apologies if this was already mentioned but tonight as i was driving home from work the song “Fun Fun Fun” by the Beach Boys played on the radio, ive never heard it before but here are the lyrics: “Well, she got her daddy's car And she cruised through the hamburger stand, now Seems she forgot all about the library Like she told her old man, now And with the radio blasting [Chorus] And she'll have fun, fun, fun till her daddy takes the T-bird away” of course i immediately had to think of Text Book… do y’all think it’s deliberate ? Wbk Lana <3s the Beach Boys
  7. i need her to bring back the iconic slut drop for American Whore & its trap beats
  8. Lana said the layer thing herself tbf, that her stylist sewed it in but yeah its not so important
  9. i never got the controversy around the mask but maybe i misunderstood something? i understood that there was a layer under the mesh/gemstones so how was it really any different than any other mask ppl were wearing at that point anyway ?
  10. im gonna have chronic migraines and night terrors until the GPSOTS acronym is decoded in full
  11. when I look back, tracing fingertips over plastic bags, I think I wish I could extrapolate some small intention or maybe get your attention for a minute or two
  12. atp if its between something from the NFR-BB eras or something from LDRAKALG/Lana solo work for the sample, id rather it be the latter for sure
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