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Everything posted by beigehydrangea

  1. this song rips my heart off, steps on it and also make me feel so confident in a hazy way i love it
  2. She deserves it we deserve it also in in my opinion a lot of new fans would emerge from this kind of project, some of her unrealased songs help understand her vision and story (while being absolute masterpieces)
  3. Maybe it’s the sonority and use of words, for example pink champagne / let me love you like a woman: i really enjoy where Lana is going with recent projects but you can definitely tell the era of previous songs and for me it’s both because it resonates with a precise time of my life and the feeling some instruments and lyrics provide. Now she is going in a musical voyage but before i feel it was more about us travelling with her. I don’t know if that makes sense but this is why recent songs are different for me. I still love it, it’s just two different feelings.
  4. Got mine from there https://www.underdogtrading.co/products/lana-del-rey-inspired-gold-necklace It’s the closest i found, still looking for one with the exact same chain type
  5. I tried to ask for a refund for the amazon variant color and they just said no, send it back to get a refund or get nothing. Well at least I tried
  6. Sadly I ordered the vinyl before it was listed on UF, and I saw that if I want a refund from Vinilo they do not cover the return postal cost I didn't know about the possible refund regarding the tax, thanks a lot for the info!
  7. 1. Candy Necklace 2. Paris, Texas 3. A&W 4. Taco Truck x VB 5. Grandfather 6. Ocean Blvd 7. Jon Batiste Interlude 8. Peppers 9. Let the light in 10. Fishtail 11. Fingertips 12. Margaret 13. Kintsugi 14. Sweet 15. The Grants 16. Judah Smith Interlude
  8. My indie cover vinyl from Vinilo record store is coming this week. I live in France so I had to pay an extra 14€ In total this vinyl cost me 75,90€ (vinyl price 37,95€, Shipping 23,95€ postal tax 14€) I guess it will be the same for each merch order from the UK store, I wasn't sure about the uk tax before. This is so not cool that we have to pay extra tax since there is so many merch drop and shipping itself is already expensive... There is a french store, why can't they put everything on it Justice for Europe
  9. someone knows if Interview mag is still available somewhere in Paris?
  10. it is torture at this point... I want to listen too while reading everyone analysis make that site work hereeee
  11. The only picture she posted from another era was the one from UV with Neil, imagine an unreleased UV album (maybe the red sea pic Neil posted is for this project too? Pink West Coast vibes…) yeah i am a dreamer
  12. That site doesn’t work in France so I’m just here reading all your comments about Peppers crying on the inside
  13. I will be in Thailand on release day, I’m afraid I won’t be able to access the french or uk store if more merch is available. Do you think I should get a vpn?
  14. Nothing is sold out yet? Isn't it strange? I am tempted to cancel my uk order to re order my items with the promo code but scared for it to be canceled
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