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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. Sao Paolo will be incredible if they take the time to fix the audio problems- I’ve never known a livestream show where the crowd is heard above the performed, they may be loud but surely there’s a solution lol if it’s like that at BST I’ll cry whilst I’m not on barrier cos I’m sat up a height in the accessible area
  2. Will we not get a longer set? Mita was only 1 hour 30 I think? What’s typical of bst? I thought at least 2hr
  3. Mine changed to processed on Wednesday and then Thursday.. I received shipping notification of both on thursday I believe (but previous orders I’ve received shipping notification literally after my items have arrived). The one which changed to order processed on Thursday arrived on Friday, the one that changed to order processed on Wednesday arrived on Saturday. So it’s still in normal time frame as of now I would say.. the weekend will cause a slight delay and if you’re in UK then there’s bank hol also which could cause delay
  4. It is a sin that this was cut from the livestream https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxRV3ts/
  5. If there’s full on dances choreographed I feel like it’s unlikely to change for those songs? Maybe the ones where the dancers weren’t involved (I.E. flip side).. I feel like that may get potentially swapped out for a different unreleased each show
  6. Why is Jack making his way up to be one of my fave Lana love interests, he seems so questionable but so unproblematic at the same time lol
  7. Damn you just took my thoughts and worded it in the perfect way lol, if I’d seen this comment before I wouldn’t have even written my simple version haha
  8. It was meant to have an outro though, so we’re not sure how it was meant to play out.. maybe the vision will become clear next week! Tbf I think video games is a good closer.. it’s full circle from where she started, and the sentiment is still the same but different, she endures the fame for the love of her fans
  9. You could tell it was Zimmerman I thought! I think she may continue this through all the shows! edit to say the last one is so cool, would make sense to wear that for some of her hotter shows too, I thought she must’ve felt on fire in that dress last night!
  10. Tried my hoody on today as in British style the blazing sunshine we had yesterday is gone anyway, im happy with it.. but again.. I think sizing is weird? I bought assuming they were men’s sizing, but it kinda fits more like it was women’s! So usually I’d have something a bit oversized, but this just fits me.. I suppose it looks better, just used to wearing baggy stuff haha! If I had bought something to fit it would’ve ended up too small though!
  11. Imagine if bittersweet anthem is her name for SYTH because it became an anthem without even being released lol
  12. I welcome bartender.. I think we could definitely kick summertime sadness.. I know it’s a greatest hit but it offers nothing to me though I’d still be happy with this set.. I’d probably be happy with anything tho lol. Just wish she’d pull out at least one song from honeymoon and cocc, even if it’s just the most streamed from each one
  13. Okay it’s 2.41am now so think I should really sleep now, such an amazing first performance back from her! I’m so so excited to see her set in real life!
  14. I can’t tune in next weekend I’m already at a concert haha, or will I just stay up late after to watch this again
  15. It’s unfair to leave that out because now we MUST know what it was
  16. So have they removed songs from official stream or did she not perform PWYC?
  17. She retired let me fuck you hard in the pouring rain thank god haha
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