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Everything posted by Lasso

  1. oh yeah definitely, she loves to play with words, pretty sure there's a name for that but idk
  2. Me listening to Umbrella the other day and realizing that it has "umbrella" and "rockerfeller" in the lyrics
  3. Ok but the real question is - what is it that she can't? have a friend like him drive/thrive ?
  4. I'm laughing so hard at this entire situation, and earlier she posted a photo of the ceiling
  5. bitch page 1111 I'm pulling out the tarot of pagan cats to ask if this thing is related to Lana
  6. I don't think she's just reusing the instrumental, Kintsugi said that he was surprised when he heard the sample, so I'm betting that the song will turn into VB as a climax and then both songs will blend into this outro that is "one for the books" (Kintsugi's words)
  7. Not to be delusional or anything but imagine the gag if she did an interview like the one we had for UV, when she broke down the album track by track, before the album. Imagine if she said something vague about each track, we would have speculation for weeks
  8. Raise me Up (Mississippi South) I CAN TALK WHAT I WANT HOW I WANNA
  9. first thing I see when I open reddit... I think they're trolling, but at least try to make it funny
  10. Dealer (it's not one of my favorites from BB but if she sang this live -specially in Brazil- people would COLLAPSE) Chemtrails Yosemite We don't know if she's changing up the setlist so let's not get our hopes up but she's at least performing Tunnel, Let me Love you like a woman, and Arcadia.
  11. y'all I'm so happy she is really is coming to our tropical country, blessed by god and naturally beautiful 😭😭😭😭😭
  12. I was just looking at these comments I hope some of them get mad, it's more fun that way
  13. ok but if this turns out to be false the collective breakdown will be worse than this #onlybrazilianthings
  14. probably because it was just "worst taste" and not "rotted, gutted taste and opinions"
  15. hope she goes to the beach in jeans again lmao I think it's more excitement than anything really, a lot of brazilians are very animated and grateful because it's kind of rare for big popstars/singers to drop by
  16. it's not annual and it happens in other SA countries like Argentina, but the journalist said she's coming to MITA, which is smaller I think
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