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Posts posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. 16 minutes ago, misslonaxo said:

    Just came to mind on the topic of the snippets, for those saying they're too slow/boring... Don't forget melanie picks the weirdest sections to tease. Remember the principal snippet everyone thought was lame? It was the outro. 

    Thats true but Also the snippets this time we know are taken mid track… I though the K-12 snippets werent as slow. I feel like her songs are getting slower and slower as time goes on. Shes going for a Fiona Apple vibe (she even has mentioned her as an inspiration multiple times) by focusin on the lyrics… the problem is… shes not that good of a writter and in my opinion she excels more creating melodies and concepts. For storytelling I think she works better with a team who can polish her work and thats why CB was so successful yet K-12 and AS is a flop (although I think Its over-hated here Its Not as inspiring). I also find obvious her songs with Kinetics are her best efforts while the sessions with Michael Keenan are getting old (kind of like the Jack Antonof thing with Lana or Taylor). She has a weird flow Lately on her songs, same as Lana but in her case It works somehow. Its like she doesnt leave Space to breathe and Just vomits a bunch of words with no clear direction. Sometimes she misses the Mark and other times she nails the concept, Its 50/50 at this point 

  2. The visuals… arent what I imagined but we’ll see


    I imagined her running in the forest being followed by a dragon who was being held captive for DB or something like that. And maybe taking care of a greenhouse while being cheated on by her man to finally reveal he’s using him as fertilizer In the end for Garden… 


    So many possibilities, hope she takes care of the visual part but, for now, I only care for the music 


    Also the mermaid thing could be really interesting if done right, but only for a song, not the whole album concept

  3. So she is releasing Faeire Soiree… if thats the case there is hope for Garden, TV and DB… if not that would be an interesting choice… 


    Also, once she releases all the snippets whats the plan? She hasnt anounced the album yet so im guessing maybe a single? 

    Shes lucky she has a really loyal fanbase that puts out with her BS cause this is getting the wrong promotion 

  4. 24 minutes ago, 13 Bitches said:


    i'm inclined to believe they're fake or super early drafts because anything she has posted on instagram these past 2 years looks a lot more polished :rip:

    Thats because Its done by computer… like I though she is giving us Sharknado level prostetics and visuals this era, far from Avatar if u ask me :bebe:

  5. 45 minutes ago, The Siren said:

    yes blame the artist for releasing songs that use similar instruments to the leaks :air:

    I think they may be refering to the songs sounding much alike between the ones she has already teased, not the ones leaked (I understand if you arent gonna release something and certain part of It appeals to you as an artist, nothing wrong including It in the newer stuff). The problem with her recent proyects I think it may be that trying to make It too cohesive makes It lack variety… if all the songs use the same tempo, production and flow they may bland together. Thats why some people (including myself) fear the more upbeat ones getting scrapped! 

  6. At this point I don’t think we r getting the album any time soon… Watch It get delayed till summer! Someone on Popjustice shared a video of her shooting the cover for the album, and If im not mistaken the pressing for the vinyls and stuff takes at least several months… She also tweeted she wont be shooting anything AKA releasing until she finishes the tour wich seems like a missed opportunity 


    Im really sorry this keeps happening to her but TP was success even with the leaks, so Im hoping the same here! 

    Also It would help if she put out a single to at least gain some streams, I know she enters this forums from time to time (actually a good thing a popstar to take their fans feedback in consideration) and I want her to make some coin cause she deserves it. She could even release Heaven, Dangerous or Rainbow Road as stand alone singles/ EP just to take the attention off the new leaks! 

  7. 2 minutes ago, hotshot2am said:

    Track 1 (Snippet 1) - 5:06 duration - Snippet begins at 1:02

    Track 5 (Snippet 3) - 4:20 duration - Snippet begins at 0:48

    Track 9 (Snippet 2) - 4:26 duration - Snippet beings at 0:15


    This is all the info that exists currently, note that her team registered everything under a different name ("Peach") so they might have also messed with the track order or length.

    Tracks over 4 minutes in 2023?? Actually not mad at It at all!!! Hope thats accurate

  8. 8 minutes ago, TropicoKitten said:

    I meant why would she need to follow in her alcoholic moms footsteps to sound more “mature”? 

    She doesnt need to, just saying It would be interesting to see how Crybabys traumatic childhood experience affect her adult life for social commentary , but thats just an option 


    Dragons and Fairies isnt the first that comes to my mind for character development just because others have done that before, like Kerli and Aurora… but if she delivers I honestly dont care for the theme! Praying for no more ballads at least 

  9. 9 minutes ago, TropicoKitten said:

    :assad: I’m so confused

    Whats not to get? 

    she is going for a witchy fairy tail vibe, about reincarnation and that stuff, Its so obvious 


    what I mean is that for that kind of visuals she might need a lot of production and if she doesnt do It Right It can look amateur-ish


    The Bakery was well done, we’ll see 


    Also this last two snippets sound really boring, im hopping Its just bad timing

  10. 5 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    ya i don't know why everyone is saying crybaby is gone when the first teaser is "back from the dead" and the pic has crybaby's grave, she is obviously coming back in some way:awk:

    Shes coming back with a different more ethereal aesthetic probably, like a fairy or some sort of witch wich is too on the nose already 


    I would have liked It better if she continued with her becoming an alcoholic housewife like her mother and make It a little more mature… but I guess we are getting Leage of Legends instead


    Is not that I think Its a bad concept but maybe a little too ambitious, the visuals will need lost of CGI and we all know how Melanie delivers when her budget is cut short… I fear we are in for a Sharknado kind of film :xgiggle:

  11. 2 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    unpopular opinion Melanie is not a good lyricist at all and the only way I could possibly see her getting better is if she drops the Crybaby storyline entirely 

    She already has and Its not getting better…


    I think It has to do with the cowritters she uses, she has good ideas But Its too stubborn to make them work


    for example some of her first songs when she used to work with other songwritters Dont have much to do with Crybaby yet are better than the last ones! For example Gold Digging Love, Run, Trophy Wife, Bombs on Monday Morning, You Love I, Night Mime… the lyrics there are really good and dont follow a storyline 

  12. This last two snippets sound the same… Really similar to Death, Leeches or Corpse from the leaked ones… Also this snippets thing is not It 


    I fear there may be few upbeat songs and I had enough midtempos and slow songs in AS and K12… 


    She wasnt kidding when she said none of the leaked material is gonna be used and that makes me nervous cause some of them where really good. Justice for Dragons Blood, Garden, Barely Juice, TV and Void! I hope at least we get a deluxe this time around, she has material enough

    It might be unpopular but I dont care for Sirens…

  13. 39 minutes ago, lilac heaven said:

    i kinda feel like kim is the perfect example of how damaging it is that so many artists in the streaming era release so many “projects” before their debut album 🧍 if this were her fourth or fifth album (which it very well could’ve been), then honestly who really cares that much if it’s not great. but this is her proper debut, there’s a lot riding on it, and her best work/possibly her best creative years were spent on releasing stand-alone singles

    I agree with you 100% 


    She could have had some of her era 1 stand alone singles reworked and adding some unreleased created a Perfect pop album with 80s vibes… 


    1. Cant Do Better

    2. Push Push Push

    3. Heart To Break

    4. Shame On Me

    5. Cherry On Top

    6. Bittersweet Surrender

    7. If U Think About Me

    8. I Dont Want It at All

    9. Hillside Boys

    10. If Jesus Was a Rockstar

    11. Dark Part Of Your Heart

    12. I’ll Be Dancing


    this could have been a perfect debut but I understand It has passed a lot of time since…


    Even if I didnt like Malibu much I think she should have continued that route, and if the tropical/reagge influencedalbum didnt work just move on and work on the next… I actually like some of those outtakes and if It was polished It could be a cute idea


    1. Malibu

    2. Top Down

    3. Coconuts

    4. For Me

    5. Oceans

    6. Choker

    7. Break the AC

    8. Painkillas

    9. Trampoline

    10. Shut The Fck Up

    11. Maybe Baby

    12. Alien 


    I don’t know… so many possibiliteis yet is frustrating seeing her fail… It must be really sad to get signed and dont be able to complete your dream! Hope she goes back on track cause I used to stand her hard when she was independent 

  14. Virginity, Jeffree Stars unreleased 2012 album:


    1.    Mr Diva

    2.    Prom Night

    3.    If It Kills Me

    4.    Love To My Cobain

    5.    Catwalk

    6.    Virginity

    7.    Clothes Come Off

    8.    In My Pocket

    9.    Legs Up

    10.  Red Cup

    11.  I Dare U

    12.  Best Night Ever

    13.  Happy Birthday 

    14.  My Piñata


    I know his character is more than cuestionable and quite problematic but he used to make such BOPs back in the day 

  15. 1 hour ago, domandapiano said:

    The conspiracy theorist in me crafting a narrative where the powers that be don’t want a trans artist going so mainstream so they force her to scrap all her good material in favor of shite so she doesn’t actually blow up with the GP the way it feels like she has been positioned to. Fits all too well with what is going on regarding the pushbacks of drag and lots of queer progress that we are seeing these days. 

    of course there isn’t an ounce of fact to this, but it sadly wouldn't surprise me if it were true 

    This is a strech… When the label sings an artist their money depends on her success, pretty sure they dont give a fck about her being trans. Bringing up this “conspiracy theories” about How the industry is sabotaging queer people when they really dont is damaging and honestly getting old… she just won a Grammy with another publicly queer artist like Sam Smith (wich has had a lot of push from their label recently) 


    Furthermore, I think the label thinks her being the first trans artists to probably go that mainstream as a popstar is adding pressure to her material being perfect, so much they are actually messing things up. Poor Ayesha could have had that title but she had to retire :crai: a true legend


    I think they just don’t know how to promote her and are waiting for a hit, not the first pop star to suffer from incompetent management (Halsey, Melanie, Neon, Porcelain and many others come to mind). Lately she is just not as good and thats all 

  16. 11 minutes ago, heavensentslut said:

    and live performances

    like why has she not done of these 


    I think she would totally nail this kind of performance and song… It suits her voice so much, always imagined her singing this 

  17. 19 hours ago, KIM PETRAS said:

    apparent album title, release date, and tracklist leaked on discord. 

      Hide contents



    Looks all over the place… Brrr as the first track and IJWAR as a closer?? Also Revelations is kind of random , if the production is not up dated I don’t know how It will fit honestly…

  18. 1 hour ago, Glitter Boy said:

    if y'all want to compare bad lyrics from k-12 to basically any other era of hers, MM3 included, I highly encourage y'all to use Wheels on the Bus and Class Fight beforehand xx

    Add The Principal to that… Its like an angry letter written by a toddler 


    0 sense from start to finish eventhough the final instrumental is nice And u can bop to that if u want to 


    For me her best lyrics in K-12 go to Drama Club, Nurses Office and HSS

  19. 17 hours ago, White Dress said:

    Tea, I’m scared by the new leaks. They are BAD. 

    Yeah… if u look at It Its similar to Kim Petras scrapped album + Ava Maxes new album, the same eurodisco french techno pop… I mean, that could work but nowadays Its getting old and I was expecting more from her! They sound… a little generic to my taste

    that said My Body and Ms Belladonna keep being that bitches

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