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Posts posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. I like the last album (specially Mushroom Rash) But something in the production is bothering me… like I know Its supposed to sound like that to give the retro feeling but for some reason Its stopping me from enyoing It at full potencial 


    I mean, It isnt as catchy as some of her unreleased stuff like Emotional, No Sleep to Dream, Chinatown or Stolen Cars


    Either way, im sorry for what has happened to the vinyl formar, she must be feeling really bad even if Its not her fault…

  2. 10 minutes ago, 5Rick said:



    I already said that I wasn’t following her anymore, that I didn’t Ike her new artistic direction… some of you already mentioned how bland, Hollywood-corrupted and superficial her way of thinking/activism is, and how can anyone disagree on that? And let’s not even get started on her recent music career pls. 

    I certainly don’t wanna sound like a hater (I realized that I don’t have kind words for her anymore), though I must confess… she’s became like a car wreck for me… it’s horrible and you don’t wanna see it, but at the same time you can’t take your eyes off of it. 

    This “poem”… my God. WTF. What in the actual fuck. It makes no sense. At all. It’s bad style, it sounds unauthentic and dull. There’s no metric, rule or style. It’s literally a bunch of random words. You can feel she thinks she is the shit and she did something there, even though it’s just… mere shit. Of course poetry is personal, but everything is. Does that mean that we should make everything public? Or that everyone is/can be a poet? And you are telling me that there are people actually willing to spend money on this? JAPANESE TOILET BOWLS NOTHING. I’m gonna have nightmares about this tonight. 


    I’m sorry, it’s just that… I can’t understand how one can be cringer and cringer every day. 


    I also don’t wanna trace comparisons but… since some of you mentioned many times how they are somehow “similar”… take her and Lana, for example. Oh my God. They could be the most forward example of success/failure, genuine/corrupted, artistic/tacky. 

    I’m harsh, I know. But girl. Stop. Just stop. Do yourself a favor and send that CV to McDonald (serving only female customers, of course).







    Im laughing so hard with your rant!! I cant :lmao:


    but you do have a point, seems most of us gravitare more towards her Marina And the Diamonds stuff…


    that Baby sht with Clean Bandit really was the beginning of the end for her. Like a Illuminati initiation BS :oic: everything that made her unique is gone now 

  3. 1 hour ago, rancidgirl said:

    all of these r top tier ur mentally ill

    no one likes it

    Well… Glued has this sound effect that make me cringe… I know Its supposed to be glue but my mind go to other places… the song itself is bad 


    Brain & Heart Its just plain boring.


    Field Trip sounds like a fan type beat from You Tube, also cant get over that horrendous flow in the chorus.


    In general something I noticed in the AS EP is that lyrics dont seem to have much relation with song titles, like the metaphor Isnt there… sorry. At least History, Function or Trophy are more sonically interesting even if the lyrics still make me cringe a little 

  4. 15 minutes ago, BlueINK said:

    I always love Marina's Q&A live streams and always feel like she enjoys talking about the behind the scenes of a record and the entire process. And since she seems to be so angry about something I'd love her to do one of these Q&As about her artistic development since Froot. You're right, she could give us so much insight into the music industry but in a straightforward way. And then getting it out of her system and finally being able to write about something else. 


    In general I feel like Marina has no idea what to write about anymore. When she was younger she was quite troubled and had a lot of stuff to tell but nowadays she's doing better (which is great!) but it's no lie that artists are at their best when there's something going on in their lives. If you're completely content with your life - what're you going to write about? Either about private stuff that's incredibly irrelevant to other people like barefeet chicken or about the problems of the whole wide world. 


    I agree with you, she doesnt seem inspired anymore… a shame, but Im happy for her doing well :agree:

  5. 6 hours ago, iconiclogan said:

    incredible deserved to be on that list…

    I dont particularly like that one sorry… Hard Candy had potencial, I mean if she only had swaped some of the demos… Across The Sky, Latte And Animal deserved a spot!! 

  6. St

    6 hours ago, medievalthots said:

    still not as Great as her older stuff… but an improvement from whatever After School ended up to be…


    I Dont understand why include Glued, Field Trip or Brain & Heart when she had this, History or Function :facepalm:


    this would had been 10 times better:


    1. History

    2. Notebook

    3. Test Me

    4. Numbers

    5. Lost & Found

    6. Function

    7. Trophy


    The Bakery is great but doesnt make much sense thematically (not school related), like a stand alone single

  7. 9 hours ago, Coloringbooks said:


    I'm sure Marina's heart is in the right place but um… with all her "activism" lyrics you would think she'd know not to glamourise PETA. 694415282617450546.gif

    On another note, I Dont expect coherence from celebrities nowadays. Hollywood really infected her brain with that feminist BS… Its the easy way to appear socially concerned, play by the rules of whatever is popular at the time (nowadays extreme liberal thinking with idiotic reasoning) and dont question anything. Im not from the Right wing by any means but this is getting out of hand.

    Stop with the anger speeches towards men or women who think different. Thats what I love about Lana, she doesnt care about the general opinion, more so about her own believes! And she is not afraid to speak out… even if she gets cancelled. Media loves to manipulate her words to fit their agenda… Marina In the other hand… feels like a sellout. Not everything has to be black or White, thats narrow thinking at its finest


    SNS I said what I said 



  8. I actually hope the material leaked so far gets scrapped, I mean… we already have It. 

    Hope she sees this as an opportunity to make things from scrach and actually make It work this time :awkney2:

  9. 16 hours ago, paris texas said:


    i see that people are still unnecessarily hating hard candy in the good year of our lord 2023

    Well im not hating on It, It has Its moments like Miles Away, Voices, Devil Wouldnt Recognize You and 4 Minutes but the rest feels like filler. Not her strongest effort for sure! I stand by It :agree:

  10. Even if im not the biggest fan of her recent material I think she still has some potencial left in the last leaks for MM3, ive been listening to It in this way, I think It can make a cute album (I know most of It Its scrapped):


    1. Corpse

    2. Dragons Blood

    3. Syncronicities

    4. Fingers Crossed

    5. Mother of Pearl

    6. Sirens

    7. Moon Cycle

    8. Emerald 

    9. Garden

    10. Needle & Thread

    11. Tunnel Vision

    12. Void

    13. Death


    14. Barely Juice (hope this one leaks soon, with DB is one of the few upbeat songs) 

    15. Faerie Soiree (bonus track)

    16. Leeches (bonus track)

  11. On 1/26/2023 at 6:02 AM, 301 said:

    It's been a while since i read this thread but i'm glad to hear wrabel's ass is out of the new project. I don't need another Wrabel Road, i'm sorry but that shit was ass. I think the only good song was Honey solely for the slight chance it was shading Bonnie.

    You are right, High Road was kinda bad… specially after Rainbow! It only had some good moments like Honey, Kinky, FDD or Chasing Thunder


    is Honey directed to Bonnie? Didnt know that, how do u know?

  12. All Right, Ive been listening to the Problematique era outtakes and some arent as bad as I remember, but It still lacks Any soul or origanility. Also some tracks dont feel from the same album, like some are Slut Pop rejects And others like Malibu, Coconuts or Kim Kim Kim… well


    For me the tracklist that makes more sense is:


    1. Revelations

    2. Future Starts Now

    3. Problematique

    4. Left My Body

    5. Confessions

    6. Lenfant Terrible

    7. All She Wants (feat. Paris Hilton)

    8. Born Again

    9. Je T’adore

    10. Dance To Forget

    11. Love Ya Leave Ya

    12. Your Turn to Cry

  13. 9 minutes ago, 132 said:

    I know. In an ideal world, she would've slightly reworked DA's drums because they wouldn't fit but that doesn't exist so :thumb3:

    Also EOTE is one of my favourite LF released tracks, it just works so well. I'm remaking it for my synthesis module :twirls:

    You are right, D&A needed a production rework…


    only track I miss there is To Be Human, I would put It right after Karma and It would be perfect for me 

  14. 3 minutes ago, 132 said:

    lemme laugh in draft tracklists


    I love DA and PDCM. I feel like DA would've needed a rework to be sonically cohesive on the album (just because of those trap drums, my dad always says they remind him of a james bond film?) PDCM was amazing and should've replaced You on the tracklist imo. I just feel like You is a watered down version of PDCM, if you get me?


    My DREAM L+F tracklist is as follows:

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    Karma (Demo Version)

    Please Don't Call Me

    Demons & Angels

    Handmade Heaven

    Beautiful World

    Water Under The Bridge


    Emotional Machine

    No More Suckers

    Too Afraid (Demo)

    End of The Earth


    Thats a nice tracklist actually, maybe not her best album yet better than what L+F ended up to be 

  15. Wish she would stop selling old demos and scamming fans and start working on new shit… looks like she doesnt want to continue making music but at least dont profit of old stuff… 


    a shame cause she really had talent and a unique vision 

  16. 26 minutes ago, SlowGinFizzzz said:

    (Re-)watching the Confessions Tour right now and I really don't think any artist is ever going to be able to top it. I mean, even just the setlist alone has me in awe. The way that she managed to perform the Confessions album almost in its entirety + her early hits but discofied + I Feel Love because disco classic + complete curveballs like Paradise (Not For Me) and Erotica mixed with the unreleased (!) You Thrill Me... only the Queen of Pop! I guess the only major omissions are Vogue and Like A Prayer, but she did those on pretty much all her other tours, so we stan nevertheless. And don't even get me started on the amazing show production, the dancing and choreo, the INCREDIBLE physical shape Madonna was in. Truly one for the history books. 




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    The only thing that would have made that tour even better would have been if she performed History (land of the free):sluttybunny: live (the demo, not that horrible side B to Jump)!! 

    A great BOP with a beautiful political message, classic Madonna!! 

    9 minutes ago, SlowGinFizzzz said:



    OMG!! I only hope is not some Hard Candy sht since they worked with same producers

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