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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    I love it, this is for the arts and not the charts and im here for it
  2. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    I DO hate Prisoner but PH gave us classics like title track, Angels Like You, Midnight Sky, Bad Karma, Night Crawling, GWIW and WTF Do I Know
  3. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    we’re gonna pretend ESV doesnt exist, someone Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind the shit outta my head of that flop in her career. i want strange out of the box Miley back. Flowers was the worst that happened to her artistic integrity. If u think otherwise im sorry to inform u that ur tasteless and electric chair
  4. i like it! But its too similar to TZ to me
  5. Leeches being the best video so far and shes not even there ps: the way NO ONE is moving for her recent releases… my god she flopped hard
  6. i wont allow any OT slander in this thread! Idk why people dont love it as much, for me is the perfect closer… god take all the hate from OT and give it to Yes, And? Thankx
  7. I think someone here said she was giving Kylie MInogue in Warm and now i can hear it... its sooo good, sounds like a Fever outtake
  8. For me the inmediate standouts are Warm and Past Life but Dandelion is a cute trap moment too Twiling Zone is nice but sounds WCBF part 2.
  9. Eternal Sunshine Intro / Bye Don’t Wanna Break Up Twilight Zone Eternal Sunshine Supernatural True Story Past Lifes Dandelion Boy Is Mine Imperfect for You Wish I Hated You Ordinary Things deluxe Target: 13. Hampstead japan exclusive: 14. Warm
  10. Anonymcomenter


    Glow ober Power or Bop It…? Well… that was a choice anyways, so excited for Cathedral! Thats a classic right there ps: im so sick of all this all in caps song titles, its not fun anymore and ur not inventing the wheel. I get the dots and the period thing but it gets annoying the song its OK at best, the chorys is catchy tho… so far nothing as good as Joyride
  11. Anonymcomenter


    Also, its funny to me how Azalea is so “harsh” on her “criticism” of this underground pop icons, and still licks Gagas butt after she hasnt delivered anything worth a listen since Artpop
  12. Wait, do we know the tracklist? Or are all those guesses?
  13. Anonymcomenter


    please, i didnt get one thing… I think she just asked her to be on it just to get publicity over the Azalea twitter rant… girl, Azalea, I think u got outsmarted… Slayyyter already said the record is done, i doubt she would throw a last minute collab and of all people with Azalea, which is our favourite problematic icon
  14. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    i doubt she will, but at least the new music is givin Mirror which Im here for
  15. Anonymcomenter

    Miley Cyrus

    okay now this has me seated! The visuals look fucking great and this screams BUDGETTTT Also the instrumentals sound like what ESV should have sounded like, that old school rock/theatrical sound that fits Miley so well
  16. Endless Summer Vacation Lifetime Taste Of My Own Polluted Love Golden Burning Sun Heaven Secrets Hands Of Time Jaded (Demo) Muddy Feet Party’s Over Wildcard
  17. Seven Heavens (Selena Gomez) Bad Liar Praise You Feel Me Bad News Higher or Heaven Fetish Wolves Bad Guy Prey Love’s Not Over Stained
  18. Fever More More More Love at First Sight Can’t Get You Outta My Head Fever No Better Love Baby Come Into My World In Your Eyes Dancefloor Love Affair Tight Rope Burning Up
  19. Short N Sweet Taste Busy Woman Good Graces Make It Any Harder Soulmate Espresso Ben & Jerry’s Fast As I Can Juno Lie To Girls Don’t Smile deluxe: 12. 15 Minutes 13. Blueprint 14. Dream Girl
  20. Bad Things, Just Keep Watching and Bedroom are BOPs
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