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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. I wore a James Dean tee from H&M and blue jeans, with red converse to finish the look off. Not sure what you could bring to sign; whatever you'd like that's not unhandy, I guess!
  2. Totes going on CDON later (well, when I've got the cash ) and ordering that bitch.
  3. i'm foaming at the mouth; second snippet ha impact <3
  4. But like, can we just have the 1:30 (or whatever) preview snippets from iTunes like, pronto? I'm thirsting so bad.
  5. Betty Boop Boop is next-level as fuck and ain't none of y'all who can tell me no different. (it's honestly in like my top five and i'm not even slightly sorry)
  6. Let her remake This Is What Makes Us Girls so it's to her liking and she might finally perform it live, for all I care.
  7. yaaaaassssss i'm ready for the psychedelic 60s folk rock tbh
  8. I'm just scared all songs are going to sound like West Coast because she's been talking about doing everythin' with the same band, in one take, blah blah... Not that West Coast is bad or anything -- far from it really -- but I'd like variation!
  9. When is this supposed preview happening, anyway?
  10. ohhhhh shit when is this happening then
  11. someone needs to pester Fnac about what the "extra track" is anyway -- whether it's a new song or just a remix.
  12. pretty pleased with the new tracklist tbh; integrated bonus tracks are E-VE-RY-THING
  13. is it too early to say i can't wait for the old money demo to leak lmfao gimme dat paradise treatment
  14. i fucking hate remixes but thanks for this; planning to collect all of the official ones at some point anyway
  15. probably her in like a jersey and mom jeans
  16. Sure, but it was also quite the rehash -- which is understandable, given it was an "extension" of BTD, but still. *remains deluded about how iconic the AKA cover is*
  17. Paradise's cover was nowhere as iconic as BTD's, though -- if you ask me, anyway.
  18. I pray to baby Jesus that he's learned his lesson and not archived them on his site.
  19. I can't work the lasso tool for shit + it's looking jagged around the edges in general, but...
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