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Blue Ribbon

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Everything posted by Blue Ribbon

  1. i don't get it too?? it just sounds basic to me why does everyone hate it so much
  2. I can turn blue into something Beautiful, beautiful Beautiful like you Beautiful, beautiful Beautiful like you Beautiful, beautiful Beautiful like you Beautiful, beautiful Beautiful like you
  3. - If I Die Young (still miles better whatever "on & on & on" is) - Bread and Oranges (thank god she changed it to PSB) - Coca Colla (just... no) - Kill Kill (<<< the ocean) - Marylin Monroe / Puppy Love
  4. Well, at least it's better than "So Good"
  5. btd: blue paradise: gold uv: black honeymoon: red lfl: teal nfr: green cotcc: white bb: brown dyk: pink
  6. imagine if aha music didn't exist and when the album was released "rockefeller" was nowhere to be seen
  7. is it common for lanaboards to be buggy... i clearly remember this topic having already 757 pages but it was reduced now?
  8. i just heard it its just a very basic guitar sound i don't think there's much to say about its veracity but considering it's from that site it's probably fake
  9. A.K.A: Pawn Shop Blues, Kill Kill, Gramma / Yayo Born To Die: Video Games, Without You, Million Dollar Man Paradise: Bel Air, Cola, Body Electric Ultraviolence: Cruel World, Shades of Cool, Black Beauty Honeymoon: The Blackest Day, Terrence Loves You, Freak Lust For Life: Heroin, Cherry, Get Free NFR!: The Greatest, Fuck it I Love You, How To Disappear VBBOTG: The Land of 1000 Fires, Salamander, Happy Chemtrails: Wild At Heart, Dark But Just a Game, Dance Till We Die Blue Banisters: Thunder, Violets For Roses, Living Legend Unreleased: She's Not Me, Butterflies, Kinda Outta Luck
  10. i know judging a song by a 10 second snippet is dumb but candy necklace just sounds like watercolor eyes 2.0
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