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Tana Mongeau

Voluntary Leave
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Everything posted by Tana Mongeau

  1. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    But am I…no I’m me bitch, I’m never wrong
  2. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    We’re all entitled to our opinion, just know that yours is unpopular
  3. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    Take your eight legs and crawl back to radiation land
  4. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    I pray it’s at the end of side a on the vinyl so it’s easy for me to skip
  5. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    Ok pack it up with the Cat Valentine replies 😭
  6. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    Saw someone on Twitter say the only appealing songs from portals are death and spiderweb…SPIDERWEB
  7. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    ok its actually good. bye signing off
  8. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    i love the pizzicato strings icl
  9. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    no because it annoys me, like. People freaking out over her response to the sorry im talking thing. like you've paid to be there at her concert but youre interrupting her, like shut up. secondly the can you not just take a selfie please or whatever it was, people freaking out over that can also kiss my big toe because how would you like it if people just came up to you and just shoved cameras in your face, it would probably make you feel anxious as fuck and even make you feel sub-human (i cant think of a better word, but almost like a trophy or some shit). people need to realise artists and celebs, or whoever are real people and get over the expectation that they should be perfect because theyre not, theyre human. as someone who has done this i apologise <3
  10. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    i hope youre talking about unreleased and not portals
  11. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    her bubblegum bitch era
  12. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    oh and its got an ice spice and cupcakke feature
  13. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    moon cycle will be on mm4
  14. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    no she will become regina george's mum
  15. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    ok but the portals film better start like this thank you melanie and atlantic <3
  16. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    melanie's dick it would be if it was opposites day
  17. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

  18. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    12 year old ShitTok stans say it's spiderweb
  19. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    the last name plowman makes me chuckle icl
  20. Tana Mongeau

    Melanie Martinez

    Omg yes my favourite Melanie song is rabies guys
  21. Why is she crawling like a lizard or some shit
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