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Everything posted by JonBatisteInterlude

  1. What if we get something Monday along with the tour announcement
  2. Curious to see what you guys think is the best place to listen to each Lana album, or just a setting that comes to mind when listening to any of her albums
  3. Yeah but the website had dates listed for those vinyls, and it wasn't on the anniversaries..
  4. They don’t wait to charge you until it ships, they charge you immediately after buying so you should be fine
  5. I emailed them and they gave me my confirmation number
  6. not sure if I should cancel my uv vinyl from the irish store since i ordered from the us store I’m just kinda worried since literally nobody has gotten a confirmation email from her us store
  7. Hopefully for the next restock they actually send out confirmation emails
  8. did you not get an order # on the thank you screen either?
  9. This is sick, hopefully they don’t refund every order because of this.. has this ever happened before
  10. Did anyone who ordered get a confirmation # on the thank you screen?
  11. I placed my order and didn’t even get an order number
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