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Everything posted by WhiteHydrangea

  1. Eliminate: Radio, Summertime Sadness Inmunity: Blue Jeans
  2. Give inmunity to Dark Paradise then sorry boo
  3. Ok, things are getting hard omg Eliminate: Radio and I would say Summertime Sadness but since bitch got inmunity, Without You Inmunity: No one tbh, we're approaching the singles
  4. Eliminate: Diet Mountain Dew, Off To The Races Inmunity: Lolita
  5. From which homemade Lizzy videos is that gif of Lana doing the heart shape with her hands?
  6. Eliminate: This Is What Makes Us Girls, Diet Mountain Dew Immunity: Radio
  7. So, I saw on Facebook than Honeymoon (album) just hitted more than 200 million streams on Spotify, is it true?
  8. Eliminate: This Is What It Makes Us Girls, Lucky Ones Inmunity: Video Games
  9. It's not that it's bad song, imo girl it's just not enough, girl wasn't even supposed to be on the album, if the Jaguar had never happened girl would not have happened too... And also, if Body Electric was eliminated of Paradise we would have never got any of the amazing performances Lana pulled with her live, like, we would have never got: 1.the original "slut drups" (at least till West Coast had been released and TBH west coast slut drops are nothing compared to Body Electric slut drops) 2. The guitar solo live 3. Lana grinding on Blake live 4. The high vocals before the guitar solo Like don't get me wrong, Burning Desire is good, it's one the most pure sex Lana songs we have, Burning Desire live is also good too, but just at the end when she hits the bridge and the tempo ups and the songs gets even more hot, but I just prefer Body Electric, like check this out rant over lmao
  10. what a shitty finale no t no shade Eliminate Burning Desire
  11. In Super Movie Lana says Billy doesn't want to do anything more than die. Ive always thought that it's impossible for Lana to have been with some many guys, specially when she talks about the same themes and her lovers seems exactly the same, K is obviously also someone else
  12. Eliminate: Blue Velvet Burning Desire Immunity: Body electric
  13. I noticed a few days ago rewatching the show that she knew all her choreos that day, if you look at Lolita's and High By The Beach's performances you can see her doing some moves from the choreography in the verses, I mean, she had them prepared one month before she premiered them on the TW Classic Show... Why didn't she show the back up dancers in this show? Could it be because there was a huge gap between this and next one (TW Classic)?
  14. She gave more inside of her mind in that last video than in all of her interviews from the last year and a half. In the futures she's going to interview herself through instagram
  15. Well, I don't dislike it but if I had to eliminate a song from UV, Cruel World would be one of the first I would be leaving behind
  16. So you knew it was doomed from the start but you just kept asking for immunity huh? Shame!
  17. What was she saying in the video with Emile and Jonathan? https://www.instagram.com/p/BKoxuGujfBS/?taken-by=lanadelrey
  18. This was coming down to the singles in the end, everyone saw it coming, but the fact you guys chose to Eliminate Shades Of Cool instead of Cruel World T-R-A-G-I-C Eliminate: Cruel World (the bitch deserves to die, she's the ugliest of them all) This should have come down to the singles for god's sake, those are 4 of the best songs Lana has done, all layered in a row
  19. one of her best lyrics and melodies of all time
  20. Just watched the whole season, loved how the show feels like the actual story of every MKULTRA/WeirdShit going on in every small town you've heard about on the internet. I loved the clasic feel the show had, the suspense had me grabbing my throat scared that something would jump from behind my back too lol, the plot was just TOO EASY TO PREDICT most of the time. The last episodes got me screaming, I just didn't know how it all was going to end lmao, Ps: I hope they get a bigger budget for the special effects next season tho
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