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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. this one kinda stumps me is it a name personal to you or does it reference something?
  2. yesss! this show is incredibly disturbing but so interesting (and i think it's based on a book?) amy adam's best performance imo
  3. it's okay it happens next person to reply can start a new round! edit: i'm so sorry for ruining your moment @plastiscguy
  4. i thought this could be an interesting game because i am intrigued by a lot of usernames on here and often wonder what they mean rules are simple, try to guess why the user above you chose their handle and/or what it relates to. to keep the format on here clean, like the comment if the person guessing about your name is correct! if no one correctly guesses your name and the game moves on, you can comment again with a hint. quote the person you're guessing! can anyone guess mine?
  5. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    the black dog and the manuscript were the only songs that truly struck an emotional nerve first listen (was fine with the manuscript and then burst out crying at the last line), but my god Peter is heart wrenching. taylor has put out some pretty sad songs but this one is a front runner for sure
  6. i've always heard the idiotic critique that she "glamorizes" abuse, but never that she dreams of it. that's such a disgusting thing to say
  7. i bet they're so embarrassed right now
  8. didn't melanie unfollow lana after qftc tho?
  9. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    how did it end is top 10 in her entire discography. the day i hear her start playing those chords on a grainy livestream from halfway across the world is the day i ascend.
  10. i always wonder what it's like behind the scenes when someone posts something they're not supposed to. y'all think he's getting yelled at right now?
  11. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    taylor during the ttpd set
  12. thank you so much! can the red/green line stops be seen on something like google maps or do i have to look elsewhere?
  13. anyone here from the boston area? i have my flight and hotel booked (and a shuttle service to take me to and from), the only thing i have left to worry about is transportation to everywhere else. do you guys have bus stations that drive out to fenway/make stops near it? i have never used busses or subways really and this is my first time traveling alone. any advice would be appreciated
  14. i'd like to rescind my earlier statement about MLB, the website finally loaded for me seconds before i had to clock in. got my tickets ticketmaster can still suck my toes tho
  15. my break is over now. i can't sit here and wait for the queue to move. once again FUCK YOU TICKETMASTER AND MLB YOU ARE ON MY SHITLIST
  16. anyone else stuck on a screen on mlb that just says "exclusive offers"?
  17. mlb is frozen and ticketmaster won't move. I hate it here
  18. does that mean that all seats are assigned and there's no pit?
  19. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    noooo don't get rid of the the witchy orb dance
  20. her and tyla are the only ones who have worn beige and actually made it interesting (in an event where half of the attendees showed up in beige)
  21. lana take off that veil right now and serve those WAVES
  22. she's got guns in the summertime and is her own horse too
  23. genuinely concerned for kim. that cannot be comfortable or healthy in the slightest
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