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Everything posted by Genesee

  1. Genesee

    Taylor Swift

    taylor could pull out a gun and shoot karlie kloss in broad daylight and gaylors would still find a way to twist the narrative
  2. Genesee

    Taylor Swift

    y'know i'm over london boy i don't enjoy nights in brixton, darling i'm leaving you!
  3. Genesee

    Taylor Swift

    if guilty as sin sounds anything like carolina it's an automatic favorite
  4. Genesee

    Taylor Swift

    also loving the post malone collab. i think they've been friends for a while. congratulations was my anthem in middle school so i'm excited to see what's next for them
  5. Genesee

    Taylor Swift

    seeing as how it says "file name: the manuscript" and knowing that that's a deluxe track, i definitely feel there's going to be different variations for other "file names", so that's possible
  6. Genesee

    Taylor Swift

    i'm never gonna meet what could've been, would've been, what should've been you
  7. Genesee

    Taylor Swift

    oh the manic song titles. tell me we're getting dealer (taylor's version)
  8. y'all remember when the women in music broadcast's sound shut off when lana was about to give her speech? yeah i think it's happening again
  9. nothing like sitting on the couch, drenched in anxiety sweats, watching your favorite artist to be passed up by literally every artist to come after her. fuck
  10. i really don't want to put myself through 30 more minutes of this. this is just so incredibly upsetting for lana.
  11. good god i don't even know what's happening anymore
  12. Genesee

    Taylor Swift

    i can't believe i was going crazy about rep tv this morning and now we have this what a time to be alive
  13. alright that just shook me a little but yknow what i'm very happy. i'm sorry if i came off rude to my fellow swifities on here that announcement was just very out of the blue! also, announcement now means that lana (or someone else) might be getting one of the bigger categories
  14. okay i lovvvee that but that seemed like a very strange place to announce regardless i'm excited
  15. does u2 just have a monopoly over the performances in this damn circle or what
  16. that's a great picture jack looks a little sick but that's a great picture
  17. lana is smiling and talking, idk what y'all are talking about??
  18. i haven't listened to that song much, are the strings a new addition to the instrumental? really added an emotional layer to the song
  19. girl she would get it with or without standing, she's taylor fucking swift
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