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Everything posted by Olympia

  1. Would be funny if she rereleases another variant now instead of this one ๐Ÿคฃ
  2. I guess I'd take the 25%. Actually the jacket is totally unique because of the double patch (was that the one or do I confuse it?), so it's probably worth more than the others ๐Ÿ˜‰ the necklace might be repaired by a jeweller (if that's the word) ?
  3. It's insane everywhere ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜… lowest to Germany is 28 EUR for two tees max, next step 42/47 for like 3 or 4 pieces of clothing. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
  4. Thanks. The black crewnecks might be cause for trouble then indeed.
  5. No, not mine. Mine doesn't show up if you Google it, neither do my address or phone number. Only works for people breaking laws with their technical knowledge by hacking websites etc.
  6. Especially interesting how they advertise: "Identify who your core fans are,and how each fan is prepared to support you, right now." ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆ
  7. Sounds like it, lol. I doubt this would be legal in the EU
  8. I never received a confirmation mail for that site where I left my phone number, just for the other one, so no idea how to even access this account, if it exists at all.
  9. The strange thing is depending which site you registered, no phone number was necessary
  10. I especially don't like how my full name shows up on my "profile" there. Gonna try to change it
  11. Maybe it's related to the items ordered. What did you get in the order still missing? I am waiting for these:
  12. Still not even a shipping label created for my order from May 18. I sent them an email now. ๐Ÿ˜“
  13. I had to give full name, town and mobile phone number. Hesitated long because of the last, as I have no idea if it might cost me something if they send me a SMS ๐Ÿ˜ฑ ๐Ÿ˜ฑ What did I miss?
  14. I think that's true, especially as regarding commercial success, it's not necessary that she leaves her comfort zone ๐Ÿ™ˆ however, she's pretty good there anyway, so I don't want to complain. Other singers do the same (don't leave their comfort zone) but have less talented people around them, so we're lucky after all.
  15. About VBBOTG I am not sure if I remember correctly, but didn't they change the title to "clear" for a while after they remarked the mistake, and then changed it back but still selling cream ones as clear? I think lucky me got the last clear copy available, because I insisted in an email on getting the clear one as advertised, reading about people having ordered clear but getting cream. Update: just read my comment on discogs, my memory was right: 29. Jan. 2021 Take care - they have replaced description and picture in the shop again - now the "transparent" description is gone and the picture shows a white vinyl again..
  16. Ah right. I was really torturing my mind, lol. Thanks. I forgot she had these book length titles already years ago.
  17. Which song is WTWWAWWKOD please? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I take anything, but as someone else here wrote, I really wish she won't release this too soon, at least not before mid of next year. I am still not "through" with tunnel and even a few other albums.
  18. OK, thanks, didn't know it was sold out. However, I still saw the picture disc and cream disc in a few shops not too long ago, so I supposed it's still around. (maybe it's still up somewhere hidden from the main page)
  19. Interview magazine 2023 ๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ About the new album, I wished it was the American classics album. But I'm sure it won't be that. ๐Ÿ˜“
  20. Pity, thanks! At least it won't be rare so everyone active now can order directly, but for those ordering it in a year from resellers it might be difficult to get the right edition. They still have special editions in stock on some of her websites, I can hardly imagine it. Btw:
  21. Very true. I'd actually love a whole album by him with her singing, maybe including a few instrumental interludes. Could be ldr10, too ๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. That's what I wonder about, too. I find it hard to imagine it will really have the same barcode. But it's possible for sure. I'd prefer a different one though, I hate these editions looking different but sharing the same code, so if there are not any stickers like "made in Canada" for Chemtrails on it, you can only tell the difference by the vinyl color. Very hard to get the right edition on discogs etc. then.
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