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Everything posted by Olympia

  1. So the first press is opaque then, and the repress marbled? (maybe EU version is marbled and US one not?) In 2020 I think, from the official website. Few days before it sold out.
  2. No way, I held it up but it's totally opaque and not marbled.
  3. Your lime green NFR is marbled? 😳 Mine isn't.
  4. This wider photo cut would have been so much better 😭
  5. Someone from the US with good reviews selling it for about 240 USD on discogs - probably the lowest offer I saw so far. Maybe interesting for someone who missed out. https://www.discogs.com/de/sell/release/27048663?ev=rb
  6. Blue banisters coming through, lol The translucent one is so beautiful I never wanted the opaque version luckily.
  7. Fan made. Only CD and cassette had this cover.
  8. ❤️ Oh yes, that was the best cover photo of them all. Would love it as vinyl cover. I adore the translucent white vinyl color though, but we indeed need a blue banisters colored vinyl. Preferably in a color mix: Blue and Grey swatches like from painting brushes over wooden color on it would be cool 😅
  9. They have it online for a few weeks but always marked as sold out when I looked.
  10. Olympia

    Taylor Swift

    You speak out my mind. But besides, I know Lana does many variants, too, plus this merch drip drop of items and vinyls (UV in September, L4L in November, Candy Necklace in October...) - and I am critical towards this as well. I am blaming them all for this, not just TS, lol. The thing is that just because other artists do this as well, no artist is justified in doing it, too. Taylor just manages to even top this sh** by her 48-hours selling strategy. Of course people can argue that fans don't need to buy, but we all know how many will buy it. I think in times of climate change all those artists, who are millionaires btw, should be a bit more responsible by limiting themselves to a few variants sold in the same shop at the same time, so not too many vinyls get produced and too many unnecessary parcels get sent.
  11. Thanks, now I am trying to picture them getting the vinyl shade right at the factory by comparing it to the original 😂
  12. Olympia

    Taylor Swift

    Media has obviously become aware of this now, too. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/taylor-swift-accused-money-grabbing-shameless-vinyls?d_id=6238687&ref=bffbbuzzfeed&utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bffbbuzzfeed&fbclid=IwAR3Wrg2WuhKyrn18rSo0ag55ynV4ZwCNhawj1ErGZa677Z9VeQvzv6fjI9Q I really hope there will be more articles like this in the future, also on other artists, as I hope it might cause some controversy so artists don't dare to release too many variants and especially don't copy Taylor's release tactics of 48 hours availability.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=240179959001774&set=a.214423481577422 new merch alert. Who knows, maybe it's Lana related.
  14. might be just one. at least i could only add one to the basket (not buying, just tried) was the same in the German shop today, they had one single copy back in stock. Update: sold out indeed. I guess they had just a few.
  15. Restock Edit: never mind, it was only 1 copy and it's gone already
  16. Thanks a lot for the info, that's pretty interesting! I didn't expect them to include the English version to the translated books, too. Btw, did you see the Chinese version already? https://www.amazon.de/Violet-Bent-Backwards-Over-Grass/dp/6263089741/ref=mp_s_a_1_7?crid=R5LES1QZAH1F&keywords=lana+del+rey+violet+bent+backwards+over+the+grass&qid=1692742776&sprefix=Lana+Del+Rey+violet%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-7
  17. 😂 Do they look any different inside btw?
  18. Olympia

    Taylor Swift

    If I buy more than one then it is because I consider the vinyls as kind of photography art prints, and (especially) picture vinyls, too. (For an art print of a photo of this size one would probably pay more actually). However, usually I buy only one variant or maybe 2, when they have different photos (or a real cool vinyl color) and I really like them. Only for Lana I have bought all so far because my collection is kind of complete and I wanted to keep it this way. I might stop this though and just get a few variants in the future, as I kinda consider it as insane to buy more than 1 or 2 variants while people are starving (partly also because of climate change, which is increased by our consumer habits and shipping, too) at other parts of the world.
  19. Olympia

    Taylor Swift

    Never again I will complain about Lana doing merch drip drop 😅 (unless she starts doing the same as TS here) I was thinking about getting one variant of the rerelease, now I might just get it from YouTube. I am boycotting this by not buying any. Don't give her ideas, lol
  20. I don't like to tell this, but I had the same trouble with a Lana item delivery and in the end it was returned to them because my address "was incorrect" (it wasn't). Is there any chance to call the custom office there?
  21. Still this whole fuss about wedding ceremonies ("rehearsal to know what to do") is just strange to me. It's like creating a play for theatre instead of just being yourself... 🤷 Researching it I read these came up in the 50ies most likely. I wonder if they will manage to escape the fans for the real wedding...
  22. Thanks, but omg 🙈 It's so crazy weddings have become such life time projects. Especially having in mind how many couples divorce just a few years later, lol
  23. Wait a minute, people do wedding rehearsals nowadays? This is becoming crazier and crazier as time goes by... What are they doing there? Exercise eating, tasting the dinner or what...?
  24. So far I like his parts more than hers 😅🙈 haven't really made up my mind about it yet. I had actually no idea what his voice sounded like, as in candy Necklace you can hardly hear him. I thought he was just a piano artist 😂🙈
  25. That's a beautiful dream and will most likely always be one 😅🙈
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