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Everything posted by Olympia

  1. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    I agree, but I don't think it looks cheap though, except the red haired animation maybe. Love it. Like a best of previous MVs. I could recognize elements of your disco/confide/did it again, as you said, and GBI and giving you up (the giant) plus references to her showgirl era.
  2. I recently downloaded a duet from youtube, maybe it was yours, if so, many thanks ❤️ have been looking for this as always when I listen to one version, I miss the other one, so a duet is perfect.
  3. I have been wondering if there was any incidence anyway that they will actually add the lime green vinyl to her shops - or just a new item? (Besides this Israeli store listing it.) What if they only repressed these vinyls which go for a lot of money? UV UO and LFL coke bottle Vinyls sell for so much more money than the NFR lime green vinyl. I could imagine, in this logic, we will only get the red honeymoon vinyl and maybe the heart shaped vinyl repressed.
  4. Somehow I think they'd repress the yellow one. This yellow is so ugly, it doesn't even look good with the most beautiful cover of BB. Wanted to try this for ages to see how it goes with her dress color. The blue cover should have gotten the beautiful white translucent vinyl however, not that yellow mistake, lol.
  5. They only bring it back when they have one copy. Saw this recently, too. Must be some copies which got sent back. It's gone already again.
  6. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    Not my daughter finally falling asleep when I played the song and waking up crying when it was finished. Not my birds starting to make love when the song started playing. Not me buying the green vinyl and cassette because of the green visuals of the music video preview. 🙈😂
  7. Yes, absolutely, Vinyls are artworks. I started collecting in 2020,very shortly before the prices went up like crazy. And bought most of the rareties from another Fan selling his collection. Paid 1000 for about 25 items, but back then it was already worth like 2500 or 3000 EUR even. Some of the items I already had, so I sold the doubles for the avarage price on discogs. I the end, I had paid 150 EUR for some of her most rare vinyls like National Anthem, blue Born to Die and others. Lucky find.
  8. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    Thanks a lot, finally found this a minute ago through reddit. Love it!
  9. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    So did I get this right, that somewhere like Spotify people can listen already, just the downloads and video come tomorrow? (wasn't able to find the audio yet as I use no streaming services...)
  10. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    Finally someone liking this era besides me, lol. Always feel like I am the only one. I seem to love all her albums most which most of her fan base dislikes (Body Language, Abbey Road Sessions, Kiss Me Once, a Kylie Christmas, Golden) and the other way round (Aphrodite gives me headache for example 😂).
  11. Except the heart shaped vinyl (and Lust for Life Cassette), which is really missing 💔😅 But besides I am happy and feel like it's kind of complete to me, don't feel like I need many more. Still looking for a good way to take photos of the items. I had an idea of photos looking like taken in a museum, but they didn't turn out as I wanted so I postponed this project until I find a better way.
  12. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    New single "tension" out tomorrow, August 31 (looks like there was some kind of video to come, too) : https://www.instagram.com/p/CwkOibloXS7/
  13. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    Good news! We're getting a third "Audience with Kylie" show. For those who don't know this, it's a special TV concert show format with amazing new versions of some songs, too. Like this one from 2001 😂😍
  14. As if a girl with taste (meaning she listens to Lana) would want to date this guy, lol. Keep on dreaming, boy. Her comment was just so perfect, lol. Like the true Lady version of showing him a finger 🤣 (and how iconic to comment with a gif of herself 🤣🙈😍)
  15. I never liked this photo so I prefer the many small Lanas cover 😂 What did they take down please?
  16. Looks like they tidied up their storage and found a box, lol.
  17. Yeah, saw that comment, too at first 😂 it's on the US page indeed. You never know though if users comment on the right edition if they have the same barcode and they bought them from resellers especially.
  18. Both AW and Candy necklaces are available again in all sizes for preorder in her US store ("ships August 31")
  19. Thanks, that must be the difference then. So the French Version is marbled, and the US one is not. On discogs, several user commented on the marbled effect of their disc's btw, on the page of the EU listing.
  20. I think she recently does them all in the same place (EU for first edition and Canada for repress), so I guess they'll be all the same.
  21. I am not sure if I remember right, but I think they kept coming and going for short times. Just like they still had some boxes with them in their storage. Not like a proper repress. But I can be wrong. My variant from her US store, bought some time after summer 2020 (maybe even later, just know I didn't buy it before)
  22. When it comes to Lana's clear releases, her EU presses are usually frosted and her Canadian or US ones clear, so I'm afraid it's not the thin, clear version. (For me it's the other way round, I got the cloudy EU version. It's supposed to have the better sound though.)
  23. Just let's compare ours. You got marbled, me not, so let's both post photos of our vinyl backside (will do later as my daughter sleeps in my arm right now) I bought mine from her US website however, so I guess it's the US/EU thing. Are we sure there was a repress btw? Maybe it's just EU and US and there never was a repress?
  24. On discogs, about 3000 say to have the clearer, thinner US version and 1300 to have the thicker, cloudierEU one.
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