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Everything posted by Olympia

  1. UK seems a strong market for her vinyls though from what I saw so far. That's why I think the UK stock must have been a few 1000s, and since EU stores had about 1000 each, there must have been more than 10k of copies all together.
  2. I could imagine the UK store had more though? I forgot what your initial inventory number has been for the UK though, but it was available there pretty long compared to other stores, which probably had about 1000 copies. How much did you pay? Didn't you want to wait for a restock?
  3. These were only leftovers most likely, no repress. It seemed a very short time to me, too.
  4. They have reserved this for the 10th anniversary next year 🙈
  5. Ebay is already full with preorder copies for 200 EUR 😩 I hope people won't buy and wait for the restock which will come for sure
  6. Worked well and fast for me usually! Except for the signed BB posters, lol. I am pretty sure they will press more.
  7. They were most likely signed before we could order them (they learned something by the BB disaster obviously - thank you PayPal, lol), and I generally doubt they bother to look that some kind of cards go to specific countries.
  8. This is funny as I usually have my order confirmation before the newsletter arrives
  9. maybe. more comfy to sign also probably. and less trouble to reprint if they spill coffee or whiskey over it
  10. If they release it the same way as the other recent merch, I guess we don't need to worry. There's usually plenty of restock if necessary. Really like that about this era. Even if the waiting time and how they don't care who ordered first gets on my nerves. 😅🙈 I love how she has no idea what's going on on her site.
  11. Absolutely agree. I will never understand why everyone is doing art cards only nowadays. Why artists can't sign the records anymore?
  12. I have no idea. Technical issue most likely. I also love how the German store says things are in stock while they are not... Probably related to it.
  13. I get your point but the whole problem could be solved if we could edit our orders, like adding and deleting items to/of an order until 1 or 2 weeks before release date. These are all preorders usually, and we are talking about MONTHS before release date. Usually they also add only small things later, like one vinyl, one necklace... I think it doesn't make such a big difference. And maybe people prefer the Candy to the AW necklace - if all was available from the beginning, one could decide considering all options. At least her UK store has pretty moderate shipping prices, but these advantage easily disappears 9f they don't declare it correctly and you pay VAT and fees twice..
  14. It's ridiculous how many artists are doing it like this. I have just preordered Kylie's tension album at the day they started the preorders. One or two weeks later, they released a CD single. I waited and thought soon more will drop. However, few days ago you could win a signed version if you order the CD single, so I thought ok, I order one. Guess what? Few hours later they released a cassette single. Of course too late to cancel the CD order, to reorder both. And with Lana it's just the same. This is driving me crazy! Are they so badly organized? I cannot see any advantage for artists to release things like that. They just don't care probably. 🙄
  15. Pfffffff!!! "Due to the very high demand, we unfortunately did not have the item "Rob Grant - Lost At Sea / Hollywood Bowl OS - 2x 7" Singles + Lost At Sea Cap - Rob's Version" in stock at the time you placed your order. We have already ordered the item from the manufacturer and expect a subsequent delivery. Of course we will send you the goods as soon as possible after arrival. We apologize for the inconvenience and delays and thank you for your patience." I asked them why other bundles on the site still say "in stock" then. And if they cannot give me the cap from another bundle then.
  16. I guess most people haven't got theirs yet. Mine was shipped on Friday from UK to Germany, I don't expect to get it before end of next week - if I am lucky 😉
  17. She could still change her mind though 😅 I don't hope for it, I just think anything is possible. Her post sounded to me like anything could be questioned.
  18. Unless she cancels the rest of her festival tour 😂 she just needs to sell some more pill cases and whistles to make up for the money she might need to pay for breaking contracts, lol. Actually her last post sounded like that to me.
  19. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    You're welcome. I haven't been able to find piano, drum and the third one yet though :-/ BTW, thank you, too, I had no idea of recent leaks until I saw your question lol
  20. The UK store sent me an email that my order was shipped about 24 or even 48 hours after the order switched from pending to processed in my account. And now it's weekend, so Noone working on it probably.
  21. People really sharing private messages by her? 🙈🤔 No wonder she leaves social media, lol. However, I guess as spontaneous as she leaves now (social media and / or business), as spontaneous and out of the blue she will be back. (Probably these live performances are just too much stress, too.)
  22. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    https://m.youtube.com/@unreleasedkylie You might find this account helpful, if you watch their videos and read the descriptions. Demos: https://m.youtube.com/@neilbeany1/videos
  23. All I saw was a butterfly poem/saying....
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