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Everything posted by Olympia

  1. I actually think it would be an amazing video for some NFR! songs as well. That's also why I just HAD to get this cap. It's one of my favorite verses by her. „You lose your way, just take my hand. You’re LOST AT SEA, then I’ll command your boat to me again. Don’t look too far, right where you are, that’s where I am. I’m your man.“
  2. I just ordered one now, along with the blue cap for Lost at sea. Gonna wash the cap with bleaching products, so it will get this washed off look as on the mock up. Just saw rosemead ramada had also posted a photo of the backside, somehow I totally had forgotten about it. (Not me spending the last 30min going back through this thread to find the post with the hoodie measurements from April 2, before ordering, lol)
  3. Thank you very much for info and pic! I guess it's supposed to be modern art 😅
  4. Has anyone of you, who ordered the tunnel hoodie in black or white, ever posted a photo of its backside? I don't think I have ever seen it from the backside yet. Is the print good? I am thinking about it again 😂🙈
  5. so then you were surely not over 150 EUR. however, they will surely refund you, too.
  6. Thanks! I thought people meant her short clip when talking about "music video" 😅 nice surprise.
  7. Absolutely agree, but I highly recommend you to place another order for the items available in the EU stores and to cancel the UK orders afterwards. That is how I do it usually.
  8. How does it come it is so much though? Where do you live? The only thing they might not refund is toll fee however. In EU, the limit is 150 EUR, under that you only pay VAT, over toll fees of like 12% might apply, depending on the category of item.
  9. But the more people complain and ask for refund, the more likely it is that they change something. We have all rights to complain and I am very glad if people do. No idea why I was not extra "vatted" unlike everyone else.
  10. Don't worry, I am pretty sure they will refund the VAT to you at least. My friends usually were told in a first reply they wouldn't, but they wrote again clearly stating they paid the VAT already and then got their refund.
  11. Could be possible she signed only some of them though ;-)
  12. Looks like universal finally learned how to use an ioss number! My AW necklace arrived, and I was not "double-VATted" this time finally!
  13. How could I miss this? 🙈 I love they added more Lana, but I prefer the original mix/instrumentals a lot over the new one. Argh. 😅 Really love the song generally however.
  14. 😅 Let's hope that's it, as this would mean they are actually signed by herself.
  15. Olympia

    Kylie Minogue

    Here's a photo of my CD with the hype sticker. IMG-20230602-083412.jpg It was on the CD as digital content.
  16. Well, the lithos are not shipped yet. I still wonder if we will get another Blue Banisters signed bundles situation, lol. I don't believe in getting it until I hold it in my hands... Btw, we don't have any info on the print except hand numbered and signed (by whoever, lol)? Like size or limitation?
  17. so you succeeded in the same way as I did obviously :-) Glad you got one now.
  18. I also hate it when you order something early and then get "punished" for buying early by better stuff coming online later. So they are only on the UK site so far? I have some trouble seeing where the page I ordered from is located, lol. I thought it was the US site actually. Try keep refreshing the page, that's how I succeeded despite being late to the party, At least I am really happy about my newborn's mood today. She didn't let me sleep all day, but her last "Mama come here" scream made me wake up and see the signed prints in time, LOL. Very good job, baby :-D
  19. Omg I managed to get a signed print right now. When I opened the link to the print, I was able to put it in the basket, but then it sold out while entering my data. It was still in my cart though and after refreshing the page 25 times in half an hour, I did it.
  20. From UK store? Email them, they need to refund you,because they already charged you the VAT before. (Friends of mine succeeded with it, you need to insist though)
  21. The whole organization was a bit strange. I also found it strange how they had different contest rules on different platforms. On insta (if I remember right) it said one entry per contestant only, on Facebook there was no such rule...
  22. So true, it doesn't make any sense how their actual sizes vary. Obviously some are men size (bee crewneck), some women (this one), some in between (LDR eyes hoodie). I luckily already knew about this hoodie from the measurements posted here before ordering.
  23. Thanks a lot for the info. Actually I wonder why we are still surprised by their bad service, lol.
  24. Did anyone get a shipping update yet? I have a Huawai phone so I cannot install their app... Maybe in the app they updated anything? (They say tracking per web would be possible, but there it always says only information was not available...) I mean, it wasn't a preorder item, so they should have sent it out last week already?
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