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Everything posted by MamaDelGhey

  1. So I got my jacket and AW necklace from Lana’s site last week, which was incredible and way earlier than expected… but I haven’t heard a peep from LDR village about my air fresheners. I ordered them from their Shopify page since I despise dealing with their main website. Anyone ever order from their Shopify store with success? I don’t wanna bother them with an email just yet. editing to add, I have ordered from LDR village before and I know they’re slow af. I’m just hoping my Shopify order isn’t overlooked/forgotten, I never went this route before and now I’m paranoid Edit #2: it shipped
  2. This is bound to change at a moment’s notice but… 01. Let the Light In 02. A&W 03. Paris, Texas 04. Fishtail 05. Taco Truck 06. DYKTTATUOB 07. Candy Necklace 08. Peppers 09. Margaret 10. Kintsugi 11. Grandfather 12. Sweet 13. Jon Batiste interlude 14. Fingertips 15. The Grants 16. Judah Smith Interlude
  3. I’ve got all the studio albums on vinyl including AKA, no duplicate albums for alternates except the titty vinyl on the way, to keep my Amazon exclusive company. Also have two bootleg unreleased vinyls. My mom got me Sirens for my birthday but I gotta wait til May 3rd for it! Oh and almost forgot Violet!
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