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Everything posted by MamaDelGhey

  1. Crying šŸ˜­ Wish I had known she was in ATL and didnā€™t go to bed early, I couldā€™ve been there in an hour. I had an awful nightmare about being kidnapped instead lol. But Iā€™m so happy for you!!!!
  2. Sent my bf to B&N but they donā€™t have it yet šŸ˜­
  3. Great posts from the both of you. As a death metal respecter and 8-year Lana stan, I do think about these things a lot. It always tickles me when I talk to a fellow metalhead and they say ā€œI fucking LOVE Lana Del Rey!ā€ Also the gym bros who mostly bump metal in their headphones, they seem to be big enthusiasts of ā€œWest Coastā€ as a jam to lift to. She really appeals to so many and itā€™s cool to be in a community where there is such diversity, but we all can appreciate the gift that is Lana (and her music.) The open-minded metal fans are some of my favorite people. They appreciate classical music (which death metal is very close to, due to the complexity and time signature changes.) I just love seeing a scruffy bearded man with a band logo on his shirt that I canā€™t read who says LDR is brilliant. Thatā€™s how you know her shit is way deeper and more interesting than that of the mainstream pop girlies, because those types of people seriously nerd out over every aspect of music. To see those types paying her respect is just heartwarming to me.
  4. Not with a headliner, not even on the main stage, and this is where she fucking shines. Beyond excited for Lasso. It truly feels like sheā€™s found her people, she looks so fucking happy. I think those who are saying Lasso will be a flop like Chemtrails (which has aged beautifully, btw) will be proven very very wrong this year.
  5. God she is the cutest thing ever Patiently awaiting a video of the performance because this clip is such a teeeeease
  6. MamaDelGhey

    Taylor Swift

    Ermmmm one of my longtime regulars has been working for her on the Eras Tour (the entirety of itā€¦ heā€™s seen it all) and I assure everyone, they are well taken care of.
  7. I bet it was made by that designer she was pictured with in Nashville! (Was that November?) At first I thought she was seeing him for her Graceland performance (channeling the black leather jumpsuit in Elvisā€™ ā€˜68 Comeback Special) and that clearly wasnā€™t the case. That old guy likely custom made this outfit for her many months in advance.
  8. Ready for the yā€™allternative masterpiece thatā€™s brewing
  9. Thereā€™s definitely been judgments and side eyes in here too. Fuck ā€˜em. I believe her.
  10. Am I tripping or did multiple posts just disappear
  11. This shoot lives rent-free in my head, and I need the fucking outtakes šŸ˜©
  12. As cool as the vintage bikes are, imagine being at barricade and inhaling the gas fumes on top of being fucking dehydrated all day while holding your spot? And people need to preserve their ear drums to hear the set, too. Just some thoughts.
  13. MamaDelGhey

    Taylor Swift

    Top 5 at first listen
  14. Itā€™s so cute. But you beat me, I didnā€™t see your post when I made mine
  15. Let the Light In - 78 (+) A&W - 76 Candy Necklace - 6 (-)
  16. I remember buying the Celebrity Skin CD as a kid, I loved it so much and continued to love those songs through adulthood. Just removed all her shit off my playlists though.
  17. Her dresses are so Cancer-coded, I adore her
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