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Everything posted by MamaDelGhey

  1. There’s definitely been judgments and side eyes in here too. Fuck ‘em. I believe her.
  2. Am I tripping or did multiple posts just disappear
  3. This shoot lives rent-free in my head, and I need the fucking outtakes 😩
  4. As cool as the vintage bikes are, imagine being at barricade and inhaling the gas fumes on top of being fucking dehydrated all day while holding your spot? And people need to preserve their ear drums to hear the set, too. Just some thoughts.
  5. MamaDelGhey

    Taylor Swift

    Top 5 at first listen
  6. It’s so cute. But you beat me, I didn’t see your post when I made mine
  7. I remember buying the Celebrity Skin CD as a kid, I loved it so much and continued to love those songs through adulthood. Just removed all her shit off my playlists though.
  8. Billie saved the whole thing, hate to say it but
  9. There’s still time, she’s not gonna pull out every surprise right away, that would be silly
  10. Not her usual Setlist so the negative Nancys got nothin to say and SHE WAS ON TIME and she is SLAYING SO HARD
  11. This is worth being sleep deprived for work today idc. Holy fuck
  12. Crying. Shidding my bed. HOLY SHIT LOOK AT HER WHAT
  13. Blocking them now, this is stupid and one of my favorite bands is starting in like 3 minutes
  14. The anonymous texter has asked how old I am… I am getting harassed by a fucking 10-year-old I’m pretty sure. I’m too old for this shit
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