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Everything posted by MamaDelGhey

  1. Not in the path of totality this time around (I was in 2017) but I could see about 80% from where I’m at. Don’t have eclipse glasses so my kids and I took turns taking a peek with my red light therapy glasses (way darker than regular sunglasses.) Definitely a cool moment, glad I got home from work before it peaked!
  2. 80's Baby - 10 Angels Forever - 10 Ave Maria - 10 Cult Leader - 10 Don't Stop - 9 (-1) Dragonslayer - 11 (+1) Earthquakes - 10 Hollywood - 10 I Talk To Jesus - 10 Lake Placid - 10 Melancholia - 10 Pink Champagne - 11 Queen of Hearts - 9 Summertime - 10 Sweetheart - 10
  3. MamaDelGhey

    Song vs. Song

    Hollywood vs TV in black and white
  4. I don’t hate it. The drawing isn’t my favorite, but I like the colors. It just…doesn’t fit. I’m happy with the two vinyl variants I have, plus two CDs. I’m happy she hasn’t been stealing my money lately tbh. More time to save up for Lasso era.
  5. “Hopefully in the future we can make something happen with Neil Krug and LDR” leaves me feeling hopeless. I’m not holding my breath.
  6. Wanted the cropped bow cami but $60 for a tiny piece of polyester is obscene. Ew. Nope.
  7. fucking THANK YOU holy shit, the hate that interlude gets is so tired and undeserved
  8. I interpreted it as it doesn’t exist. But like, why even make a listing for it? “Wasn’t mean to go live” so like you’re just playing pretend in your shop? Fantasizing?? lmfao the thought has me cackling, but also annoyed
  9. I Got You Babe cover with Barrie
  10. Listening to the new album rn and this is so good I can’t even stand it. I listened to the latest album from Kacey Musgraves first and it’s kinda cheesy in comparison. I need a Lana/Sierra collab that isn’t drowned out by Nikki.
  11. I would love for Sierra Ferrell to be on this album. Her new album just dropped yesterday and it is straight fire. I would’ve loved for her to shine more in “Prettiest Girl in Country Music” instead of Nikki. She’s Nashville-based and they performed together once already so it’s not outside the realm of possibility.
  12. Unironically entertaining the thought of getting the purple shorts to work out in. But really loving the cropped cami with the bow print. Everything else looks so fucking cheap and blah.
  13. Fuck! Me too. This season got me hooked. I couldn’t even get to the second episode of the previous season 😩
  14. I still maintain that if voting made much of a difference, we wouldn’t be allowed to do it. Presidents do as they’re told. Doesn’t matter if they have a (D) or an (R) after their name. The evil old men pulling the strings, who have no eyes on them, are the ones I worry about. And I’m sure those are the people deciding what Supreme Court justices will get picked as they play both sides and control the scripted soap opera that is American politics.
  15. I can always count on you for rational takes. Thank you for this. It drives me wild when people flip out over my refusal to vote. I don’t believe that voting does much of anything, and getting to choose a new master every 4 years doesn’t make one free. The late George Carlin, one of my favorite comedians, said it best: Simply put, I don’t trust people who are attracted to positions of power (they’re essentially psychopaths) and I don’t consent to whatever bullshit they have up their sleeves. Voting only encourages them.
  16. I don’t speak for most Americans, as I am an extreme minority and don’t generally believe in voting (I’m an anarchist) and haven’t voted since fuckin Obama (and regretted that) but I’ll bite…
  17. You right Praying that she decides to play for the other team one day (a girl can dream)
  18. Nahhh 99% of them are pieces of shit, she deserves better
  19. Jesus fuck, she is so perfect, and how am I even alive at the same time as this woman?! LORDT
  20. As a fan of both Evan Peters and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the MV had me fuckin squealing. This is just what I needed on this cloudy ass day.
  21. At first listen I am pleasantly surprised that it’s as good as it is. I like Ariana but my expectations were not high after Positions. Definitely don’t vibe with “yes, and?”, it’s the only one I didn’t add to any playlists, which is saying something because usually her albums are 50/50 for me. This doesn’t feel like it’s a bunch of fillers, so I don’t mind how short it is. I’m particularly impressed with the track run from the intro to “supernatural.”
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