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Everything posted by MamaDelGhey

  1. Please update when they respond, I’m curious if that’ll go anywhere. Editing to add: after reading the Terms and Conditions PDF in my order confirmation, it looks like I’d have to return it to get the refund. And I’d rather have a damaged good than nothing, honestly.
  2. She’s here! Poster is not in pristine condition due to the cassettes being pressed up against it, there’s line indentations. But I’m just happy to have it, whatever.
  3. Yep… very rich and powerful men who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve 👀 Nothing to see here though. I’m related to John Jacob Astor’s wife/widow, Madeleine, so this story has always fascinated me.
  4. Imagine paying a quarter of a million dollars to tour an underwater graveyard, and the entire expedition being controlled by a fucking Logitech controller. Some people have more money than sense.
  5. 1. Ride 2. Cruel World 3. Born to Die 4. NFR 5. The Grants 6. Honeymoon 7. Love 8. White Dress 9. Text Book
  6. Well this is Rob’s project, not Lana’s, and it seems people keep forgetting this.
  7. Might be a stupid question but how does one distinguish a track as a YouTube rip? I’ve seen that mentioned here a couple times and my brain cannot comprehend. editing for clarity: like using a YouTube rip as an official track on an album, how can you tell?
  8. I had to get the bundle because the print by itself was sold out. Now it looks like the bundle is gone too? Ooof, just in time. I WON!
  9. My bf and I had a FaceTime date and watched this together… I almost feel bad for his rehab roommates who had to sit through it too but FUCK! This is the best day I’ve had in a long fucking time. Flipside had me losing my shit. DMD is one of my bf’s favorites and he loved it live sooo much. And he has a newfound appreciation for Blue Jeans and NFR now.
  10. Someone on twitter said we can watch a livestream via tiktok user clarawonel i fucking hate TikTok but I’ll do what I gotta do damnit
  11. Thank you, Louise. I can’t find where to sign up on mobile though
  12. This version is so dreamy. Her voice is so damn gorgeous. I do miss the old outro, but that’s not going to stop me from adding this to a bunch of playlists. That Ice Spice mess on the other hand… I just do not get the hype, that was terrible and I wish I didn’t waste those few minutes of my life.
  13. Are you sure you’re listening to the right one? It’s towards the end, specifically says “more Lana”.
  14. MamaDelGhey


    I’ve been obsessed with them since the late 90s. White Pony is a goddamn masterpiece, and my favorite album to fuck to.
  15. I’m no Taylor stan, but my boyfriend was telling me that the (Taylor’s version) shit is because she got screwed on royalties by someone she was working with, or something to that effect? So she re-recorded everything and encouraged her fans to stream THAT content instead. I could be wrong but that’s what I was told. I can’t hate on that.
  16. Queen of mall dresses, TJ Maxx, and Marshall’s. I stan a humble, frugal queen.
  17. Has Lana herself publicly said anything about the release of this song…anywhere? I haven’t seen any hint of anything outside of the fandom and chart numbers. The numbers are insane for a song with no official promo that I can tell. So happy for her.
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