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Everything posted by MamaDelGhey

  1. Seems like she’s really doing the most for a Grammy win this year. It’s no secret that you have to please the Zionists to be recognized in the industry. I find this disgusting and despicable, to be clear.
  2. Do you know how many copies were available each time? It definitely is wild to me that that iconic variant was available for as long as it was, but I just assumed they were producing a crazy amount of that one in anticipation of high demand.
  3. Yes, it’s on its way to you, otherwise it would just say “a label has been printed” and nothing else.
  4. Don’t have the clarity to put together in a cohesive sequence rn so it’s in order of discography, but… 1. Born to Die 2. Off to the Races 3. Video Games 4. Diet Mountain Dew 5. Million Dollar Man 6. Ride 7. Cola 8. Body Electric 9. Gods & Monsters 10. Yayo 11. Burning Desire 12. Old Money 13. Florida Kilos 14. Terrence Loves You 15. Religion 16. Get Free 17. Fuck it I love you 18. The greatest 19. Tulsa Jesus Freak 20. Nectar of the Gods 21. A&W 22. Paris, Texas 23. Grandfather… 24. Let the Light in 25. Taco Truck x VB
  5. just got shipping confirmation for both orders, we winning
  6. Haven’t heard a thing about the first order I placed, no shipping yet OR delay, but just got the delay email for the second one I bought to surprise my friend with when the store restocked… so maybe she’ll have to wait a bit longer for hers and mine will still ship tomorrow? Thankfully she doesn’t even know it’s coming so no reason for me to stress.
  7. Buuuut I’ve also seen people suggest it’s “Del Norte County” (in California of course), or a brand that makes California-surf type clothing (Duly Noted Clothing.)
  8. I always just assumed it was Democratic National Committee, to dispel the rumors that she was a Republican. Dems often use a “blue wave” emoji on twitter so the logo as a whole made sense in that context.
  9. No idea if it’s any good but Barnes and Noble has signed copies so I ordered one because why not
  10. Literally listening to this on Spotify as I read this, creepy
  11. Every time I dropped into the livestream I had my heart crushed. Praying for a good recording of the whole thing
  12. Please update when they respond, I’m curious if that’ll go anywhere. Editing to add: after reading the Terms and Conditions PDF in my order confirmation, it looks like I’d have to return it to get the refund. And I’d rather have a damaged good than nothing, honestly.
  13. She’s here! Poster is not in pristine condition due to the cassettes being pressed up against it, there’s line indentations. But I’m just happy to have it, whatever.
  14. Yep… very rich and powerful men who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve 👀 Nothing to see here though. I’m related to John Jacob Astor’s wife/widow, Madeleine, so this story has always fascinated me.
  15. Imagine paying a quarter of a million dollars to tour an underwater graveyard, and the entire expedition being controlled by a fucking Logitech controller. Some people have more money than sense.
  16. 1. Ride 2. Cruel World 3. Born to Die 4. NFR 5. The Grants 6. Honeymoon 7. Love 8. White Dress 9. Text Book
  17. Well this is Rob’s project, not Lana’s, and it seems people keep forgetting this.
  18. Might be a stupid question but how does one distinguish a track as a YouTube rip? I’ve seen that mentioned here a couple times and my brain cannot comprehend. editing for clarity: like using a YouTube rip as an official track on an album, how can you tell?
  19. I had to get the bundle because the print by itself was sold out. Now it looks like the bundle is gone too? Ooof, just in time. I WON!
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