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Everything posted by Pedriko

  1. her fans taking anti-anxiety meds to see her and she's taking anti-anxiety meds to see her fans
  2. a odd of 100 is DEFINITELY not "the best placed on betting sites to win the next musical winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature" like a page posted earlier just to put it into perspective, i've searched for those odds and a chinese dude has an odd of 8.80
  3. Pedriko

    Song vs. Song

    Art Deco vs 13 Beaches
  4. how many awards does mtv need (no seriously how many awards does mtv have)
  5. the fact that her hair is still done almost 24 hours after a intense show. and people still criticize her hair stylist sigh
  6. how i sleep knowing that ill wake up with a video from lana hugging that guy
  7. I swear I spent a whole minute trying to figure out if he was talking about her father or her sugar daddy
  8. GIRL i think that's the answer? I got to the show much earlier actually, like 2am, and the show was scheduled for 9pm. I remember that a few hours before the gates opened I agreed with the people next to me in line that I would go to the bathroom, and after I entered the venue I was just very careful with the amount of water I drank. but there was a girl next to me who was definitely wearing diapers... and had used it lmao
  9. Do you really like the original version or do you just like it now because of the scarcity of the version you liked?
  10. love how the crowd decides to give all they got on random parts of the music lmao is it a new dress orr
  11. Pedriko

    The Sims

    share her files pls 😗
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