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Everything posted by honeyslow

  1. you roll like thunderrr when you come crashing innn tough is in the wind that's why you're in bostonn
  2. wait how did the sky change in one second like that
  3. the way I was telling him he can save the livestream instead of recording even if I have no idea if he can
  4. not the Ricardo mention...... his web connects us all
  5. they better keep sending him those fuckass roses ig
  6. when ben drops the exclusive hq livestream link on sjrq 2 minutes before the show starts
  7. I mean she was soundchecking for so long anna and etienne have to be working at hyperspeed for her to be making it on time atp
  8. so happy so many of u guys are there omg all of you have the best time and enjoy being a part of history
  9. soo what time is she going on someone tell me please I need to begin making peace with how sleepless I will be tomorrow
  11. help the random soundcheck snippet???????? idk what I'm hearing but I know that I'm liking it !!!!!!!!!!
  12. gurl.... what the hell happened I go offline for four hours and she starts singing tough live like wtf 😭
  13. is there an opener or is Lana really supposed to be going on at 7.30 pm?
  14. the shipping is soo bad but I’m afraid I’m still going to buy the scoreboard poster like I can already see it framed in my apartment
  15. these are really cute but out of everything why all this energy for boston like it’s kind of sending me
  16. ughhh the melody is so catchy I can’t also can we talk abt the picture…… bc I’m obsessed
  17. it’s just like Lana to let her collaborator tease her own lead single tho so like… I’m a believer that this is for Lasso
  18. omg when my alarm rang I was literally in the middle of dreaming that Lana had announced a tour on insta (with a very weird esoteric tour name too) and I was literally looking at the dates then I woke up and was like resignedly checking my phone bc obviously that was not real but hey at least something happened while I was asleep! love the snippet love the vibe love the melody and I know it’s gonna be a hit af
  19. girl by the time i got to the end of typing my birthday message i started talking about the fucking glass ship that can fly lmfaooo idek what i was trying say but i said it
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