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Waimea Bay

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Everything posted by Waimea Bay

  1. Yk....I haven't been listening to lana as much recently...bc i was happy.....so ig lana is coming back as my most streamed artists Change is a powerful thing People are powerful beings
  2. Can we form the sovereign nation of lanaboards in like the swamp of Alabama or something bc I'm not about to do another four years of trump
  3. She'd need Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin I dont think she's taking P.A atp
  4. Seeing Oregon red even though it's less then 1 % is terrifying
  5. I'm choosing to believe lana has currently detained him in the dufrene basement to prevent that
  6. I've had about enough of this already Kamala...leading Kansas? I give it two minutes before it flips
  7. Well apparently she's also leading Texas too which is SHOCKING not sure it'll stick though
  8. Kamala is in the lead in Ohio? Kinda surprising, hopefully it sticks
  9. I doubt we will know before Thursday at the earliest it seems EXTREMELY close
  10. Oh well that changes everything. If Bryce hall said vote for Trump I'm gonna march my self back to the polling center and change my vote
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