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Everything posted by coneyislandbaby1949

  1. gramma vs in wendy
  2. walk away away from her a blackhole for daisy his grandpa good health in with a sparkle bye ellen give up now war how do you forget me terribily ugly adult submarine still narc sadness fish of a gill
  3. inspired by ellas post in the banned members topic, cause it was so damn funny , rework to track list to include antonyms. exp: birth birth oh quiet cant you blind child (red shoelace flamethrower mansion hell) for W pt5 walk goblin air bnb push me down (maine north) gucci store happy dark blinds take me out of the opera dumbass
  4. im not good at working technology, how do i see her previous posts outside of the activity part. cause i cant scrolll far
  5. i fell on my ass doing doubles from fourth yesterday when was the last time you were happy
  6. shades of cool vs brite lighst
  7. stevie nicks vs fleetwood mac
  8. never. i dont interact with those when was the last time youve screamed at someone
  9. video games vs blue velvet
  10. summer bummer:white lies black beaches hiadtfawlmth-bihi: got this black narcissist of my back unidentified flying bill to 1949
  11. im creirng right now when was the last time youve gotten mad and ignored/blocked wveryone who knew you and posted about how loneyly you are?
  12. beautiful vs dance till we die
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