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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    I'd rather that she make a quality, critically-acclaimed album than a sell-out commercial success that will be forgotten in a couple of years. 
    And an alternative album selling 1.2 million (and growing) with zero promo is not a flop.
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Rem in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Leaked well said.
    You can still make great music and chart high. You do not have to dumb down anything. I believe she's capable of that and she did so in the past.
    "Artistic integrity" fuck outta here *said in Az voice*
    How do you go from this: An acclaim WW top 10 hit

    To this:

  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Ok, I am somebody who also follows the charts and this whole "who is a real fan or who is just here for somebody cuz of the charts"- argument is the utter pits.
    Of course I and I am pretty sure MIAM as well, is also here because we want to see Lana succeed and I am pretty sure that Lana herself wants to get commercial success otherwise she would release music for free.
    If we want it or not, sales and chart rankings are important to a  mainstream artist signed to a major label. Even "the kewl ppl who don't give a shit about the charts" need to accept that because it determines if our favourite artist can continue making their art in the way she used to from having great producers to work with to great videos, etc.
    All of this what I said above does not mean that she has to dumb down her music. She didn't do it with BTD. There was just something very special about it to make it already a classic. UV is the better album overall for me, I also tolerate ppl who think otherwise, but Lana has the potential to outshine the overall perception of UV by far.
    And now, can we get over this discussion? I am really tired of it. Thx.
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by thatsomason in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Omg this is something that may be entirely irrelevant but in the technical terms for dating abuse, there's the rising tension phase (where like things happen that cause another to get mad), the explosion phase (when the other abuses you via mental, verbal or physical (ULTRA)violence) and then the HONEYMOON phase where the abuser apologizes and tries to make it better, but itms usually a cycle
    Just an interesting coincidence about what I learned in school today
    I am so excited for this album tho !!! I feel like it'll of course be dark, I mean really people we're talking about lana, she's not gonna turn Go Go Dancer pop just bc the album title is sweet, but I'm up for anything, I love BTD, P, and UV the same so regardless of what its like im sure ill love it
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    *logs out for a few hours and the forum explodes with news*
    I swear she's the most productive bitch in the industry when it comes to writing and recording!
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by hollywoodgirl in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    At first I was really confused, she is already making another album. Most songs are already done? UV era hasn't even started yet.
    But now I think about it.
    She had a really hard time with UV, it is a beautiful album, but really really heavy/dark. She wrote it when she was in a relationship that was draining her. (I love Barrie, but clearly he is a depressing person). And now she is in a new happy relationship.
    I read or heard once that her muse isn't always there. And she had to learn herself or force herself to write even though she wasn't in the moment. I think that is what happened with UV. She wasn't in a good place. She still wrote a record. She was very happy with it. But having a break-up and looking back on it. She is just ready to move on.
    And with 9 songs already done, I really think she found her muse back and i'm really looking forward to it.
    Oke, this went nowhere, whatever.
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Pensacola in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    You actually care about this kind of stuff? Must suck not being able to enjoy anything becuz you're obsessing about whether it does well on an irrelevant list of "popularity" (used loosely becuz we all know that radio is rigged anyway).
    Lana's only radio hit was a one-off remix of a ballad. She's not likely to have another one - even a remixed one. At least not stateside. That was a major fluke.  The sooner you get over this, the more you'll enjoy her music.
    As for the topic at hand - the album title is PERFECT, I'm a little weary of her regressing back to her 2012 vibes (don't get me wrong, I love BTD and Paradise), but we all know Lana says all sorts of stuff prior to an album being released that sounds a little inaccurate in retrospect. She probably just has a concept in her head that's likely going to evolve into something pretty different by the end.
  8. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    You guys are going to be sorely disappointed if you're expecting commercial radio hits. Like I already said, she told fans that UV would sound like Blue Jeans and Dark Paradise. I think she just meant that this album would be similar to BTD solely by way of the orchestrations. Judging by the producer and Lana's descriptions thus far, this is going to be a jazz fusion album, or at least jazzy soft rock. I also would not expect a comeback of the hip hop beats. In the interview I listened to yesterday, Heath said they only added the bass to Big Eyes because Harvey suggested it. Otherwise, it would have remained an orchestral indie pop piece.
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Anthem in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    You can't ban someone for having an opinion, however unpopular it might be. I like hearing real conversation about Lana's music and I think MIAM frequently makes good points. Its not like they are really that rude about it either. 
    I'm so excited for MTWBT and Honeymoon. I have no idea what to expect visually but I'm really ready to find out. I don't get Lizzy Grant vibes from the title Honeymoon though.  The way she is describing the music it sounds like its going to be fantastic though. I've learned to trust her and trust I'm going to love what she makes because she hasn't really truly disappointed me in all the time I've been a fan. 
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by rdp in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Pictured: Lana reading this thread after she finishes recording 10 minutes jazz songs with her whispering on a children's microphone while Mark Ronson languidly plays the sax.
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Rem in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Imagine a song starts off with a soft lullaby..then a beat DROP and BAM.

    like how she sings in "Radio" (long, dramatic..drawn out)
    Not even they can stop me now
    Boy, I’ll be flying overhead
    Their heavy words can’t bring me down
    Boy I've been raised from the dead
    Then BAM..the beats drop
    No one even knows how hard life was
    I don't even think about it now because
    I've finally found you
    Oh, sing it to me
    I want a more dramatic version of that please.
    Her build ups used to SO fucking epic..she's lost all of that. Hoping she'll bring it back. 
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Rem in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Who, tho?
    Lana said herself that "UV is unlistenable" and she's right. The vocals are horrendous, and the melodies are indeed tragic to listen to.
    So i'm happy that SHE herself said that she's going back to BTD.
    A version of I Can Fly was meant for the album so....
    And besides that song has a better melody than any song on UV esp towards the end with just the children laughing..the melody is orgasmic and lullaby-ish. I want THAT type of melody. I noticed that the instrumental of "Don't let me be misunderstood" also have that lullaby-ish sound.    
    Praying she's going for a mix of jazz and lullaby (sweet sugary ear candy soft melodies)

  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by User14 in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Give me a live TV performance as an example..you can't... because there is none. Maybe she has conflicts with her label, but not singing West Coast on Letterman? Why? Is like shooting your own foot
  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Exactly what she described 
  15. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Rem in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    I prefer a 10 tracks album priced at 6.99$.
  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Rem in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    I think i have more knowledge about how radio works more than anyone in this thread because i was a chart follower before falling in love with Lana so 
    Anyways, Lana youtube power has FALLEN a lot ever since that album was released (UV).
    Her views are minuscule jesus. Big Eyes was uploaded 2 weeks ago and not even 1 million views.. 
    I remember when Ride reached like 1 million in a day, Young & B was like 2 million.
    Wow..UV really destroyed her commercial appeal.
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by User14 in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    Well the Lana I know will never be the artist you dream of. She doesn't have a pop star's confidence and frankly she's not putting up a show for the non-hardcore fan. Her concerts are like gatherings with her fans, singalongs where she often seems disconnected or disoriented (forgiven by her fans). She's not behaving like an entertainer and I think that she believes that she's more than an entertainer and doesn't take this part seriously. I love her voice but in my opinion she's not the best singer live (technically). She knows that and that's why she chickened out from all the live performances that were on TV for the promotion of UV (Letterman, Le Grand Journal etc. sick my ass). She had not sung on TV or big musical bonanzas in the last two years. At Glastonbury her voice was all over the place (I saw the live stream in HD and she was awful). She can sing but she has no confidence and professionalism regarding her performances so she's just half of the artist that you want her to be. I believe that she will not sing at the Golden Globes or Oscars and I doubt that she will even attend unless she will dragged there by Harvey. You know another pop artist who wouldn't perform all the late night shows with her arguably great Golden Globe nominated song? Let face it she will make another studio album that will not include any big hit that will demand live performances that she's not willing to do. I love her anyway but I don't have unrealistic expectations from her
  18. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    thank God you're just a crazy stan and nowhere close to her management team God forbid
    And assuming shit just started lol
    We don't even know if there's a song called 'Honeymoon' and most importantly Wait For Life is a song produced by Emile Haynie for his own album wtf
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    A track could very well appear on the album titled "Honeymoon", Fine China and Morricone could be for the album, too.
    I'm so excited for Music To Watch Boys To, I hope it's a beautiful pop song that gets an incredible music video and gets tens of millions of hits on youtube. 
    A boy can dream, cant he?
  20. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    U will be so disappointed because this album probably won't sound anything like your beloved BTD.

    It's just the same as last year. People were expecting from Dan to come up with a production style close to Paradise and he didn't. Mark Ronson won't either.

    And then the BTD lovers will all be pissed again.

  21. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Rem in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    And Music To Watch Boys To sounds like an upbeat happy song to me.
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Rem in Billboard Interview on Big Eyes and Upcoming Album 'Honeymoon'   
    If Honeymoon really is BTD 2.0 then I'm ready for a 10 million selling album plus Grammys.

    I hope this is her happy era full of radio hits.

    At this point, I don't mind radio music since she had TWO full noncommercial albums..it's time for a change.
    She's capable of pumping hits after hits judging by her unreleased materials. I'm still wondering why she hasn't tap into that.
    Something like Paris and Puppy Love for a first single would be perfect coupled with a clear channel radio deal.
    plus live performances and a video that doesn't suck.
    Also when I heard about Honeymoon..her unreleased pop songs poped up in my head immediately (Paris, Prom Song gone wrong etc) after reading the interview that she's going to a more BTD esque sound confirms my suspicion. 
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by rdp in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    She announced the title in the Tropico premiere while talking to fans IIRC
  24. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Ziad in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    INB4 y'all her record label is going to fuck with this like they tried to with Ultraviolence
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