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About vex

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    la musica de harry fraud

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  1. vex

    FKA twigs

    ig one time technically
  2. vex

    FKA twigs

    the weird thing is that i heard heard her team privately groupbought it... i dont understand it, its just a cover
  3. vex

    FKA twigs

    just found out that its a cover of the song
  4. vex

    FKA twigs

    also i am kinda consfused about lady marmalade. is it a cover or an entire new song? with saying cover, i mean of this: https://youtu.be/Bief-0SlcdA?si=ju9XnG57ACNK-mOJ
  5. vex

    FKA twigs

    wanderlust is top 3 eusexua btw
  6. vex

    FKA twigs

    thats on the bottom of the tracklist for me lol replying to ts
  7. vex

    FKA twigs

    there aint no way we got north west on eusexua 😭😭
  8. vex

    FKA twigs

    ik that i am a day late, but happy birthday 🔥🔥
  9. vex

    FKA twigs

    damn, didnt know that, thanks!
  10. vex

    FKA twigs

    also what the fuck is this: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dw411Y7h1/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
  11. vex

    FKA twigs

    did i just find the lolita leak? it doesnt sound like ai and its so good lmao https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gr4y1977V/
  12. vex

    FKA twigs

    the ty dolla sign feat isnt ai?
  13. vex

    FKA twigs

    hello, i was looking for the files from the 85 demos leak, however all of the wetransfer links are expired. is there someone sweet enough to send em to me? 🙏
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