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Everything posted by konnichiwalski

  1. She looks so good I can handle tragic typography after the b&w blandness of love + fear
  2. Part 2, another leftover confirmed: Bees and Honey.
  3. konnichiwalski


    Watch her go into the next album without dropping the We Appreciate Power video
  4. If we add Ready or Not to the list we have a whole EP done, release it Rina
  5. So the album is done and was all done with El Guincho apparently
  6. Sarah Come Home I'm pretty sure was originally a writing session of songs to be given to other artist, she mentioned a bunch of times how it was just a inside joke song that she later decided to finish.
  7. omg this please. the live version is immaculate.
  8. Listening to those files rn, sometimes I forget the massive bop that is Sorry. Vintage can't relate.
  9. Honestly we can say whatever about the music, but that woman knows how to put out a VISUAL. Whew
  10. sis that ship has sailed, it's not coming lbr
  11. I like this a lot. My only issue is that some songs sound demo-ish.
  12. Was this ever confirmed? Cause I actually think the title is 55. It was the caption of a ig picture back then.
  13. FINALLY and an album soon, she's feeding us
  14. also, did anyone talk about this alleged snippet of coma coming out of nowhere?
  15. oh chad is the allie hughes version, very musical theatre chad redux is the alx version, synthpop and why you wanna? is the allie x version
  16. Honestly my biggest issue since her "comeback". Even if she wanted "and the diamonds" out, Marina Diamandis is such a stricking name, why just leave it as Marina...
  17. Song is questionable, but the video is a serve
  18. 1. I don't think it's real 2. I've never heard of that hmm 3. There's Guilty and Icarus, whoever has it leaked snippets. I think they were posted a couple of pages ago. Surely there's more that it's not public info yet.
  19. is there a source for this? cause i can find info from around the time of bumper where she used twigs (twigs paramour/miss twigs) as her name already.
  20. not another project girl can barely focus on one
  21. this. but to be fair, she pulled through with Lies. it's very simple but it's a good video and very beautiful.
  22. looks like Ego Death is being released this week https://twitter.com/tydollasign/status/1277298514419040256
  23. https://open.spotify.com/album/5C3phieOffjxtXQEWjkPil?si=WsxvnzqWR2uTpuRY7VbbkQ
  24. konnichiwalski


    I think KiCK i is the easiest to get through, wait till midnight and start with that.
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