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Everything posted by xcxy2k

  1. xcxy2k


    ok so i asked FEMME to do a Q&A a while back and she said it would be great just her and her five fans lol!!! but now shes doing one through snapchat!! at 9 pm gmt
  2. xcxy2k

    LIZ Y2K

    LIZ covered 2 become 1!!! https://fbcdn-video-d-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xpf1/v/t43.1792-2/10988222_10101506814149163_1073340095_n.mp4?rl=1500&vabr=292&oh=f78a51df9e8f678f7aae379b17dded17&oe=54E04023&__gda__=1423984478_164b98b4d31b7bd19da7efa42c319e06 EDIT: http://liz-y2k.tumblr.com/post/111067789669/liz-2-become-1
  3. xcxy2k

    Marika Hackman

    IT is so goood my download is weird too several songs cut off at the end for some reason
  4. xcxy2k

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    selling for almost $500 on Ebay!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARINA-AND-THE-DIAMONDS-Im-A-Ruin-OFFICIAL-V-RARE-PROMO-CD-SINGLE-FROOT-/221687666658?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item339d9d57e2
  5. xcxy2k

    Josef Salvat

    seems like he just finished his album!!! https://twitter.com/josefsalvat/status/564863963486502913
  6. xcxy2k

    Marika Hackman

    ooh i love drown and animal fear...so glad she decided to include bath is black on her album!! her deluxe is 27 songs??!!
  7. xcxy2k


    i meant the remix lol, she added new lyrics to it...i actually saw her about a year ago when LIZ opened for her in her LA and became like super obsessed...she kept stopping mid song and starting all over cuz the crowd wasn't loud enough or she wasn't feeling it, i freakin love her
  8. xcxy2k


    full version of the song is available on itunes...i bought it earlier and its pretty good!!
  9. xcxy2k

    Josef Salvat

    ughh he's soo good...i love Open Season and Shoot and Run link to daytrotter session: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxBOrXzzjOcpfmVJNlAyTzRfOXgtUEJtZHU3U01nWmVzLUNBMkVLQTJLb1Q5cmYwYy1uMjg&usp=sharing
  10. xcxy2k

    Charli XCX

    damn that article was harsh but i agree... her itunes festival set came on shuffle the other day and it just sounded sooo different ...like she seemed more energetic and just so much better..i love her new stuff but it doesn't seem as different from everything else out there as true romance did
  11. xcxy2k


    i ended up buying eckoclick because i really liked the songs..they're kinda different from what shes doing right now but they're cool...if anyone wants them let me know the file is like 300mb
  12. xcxy2k

    LIZ Y2K

    thanks @@SitarHero....i actually think chameleon is one of her best songs and that was while she was Betty trouble...the lonely is pretty good too lol
  13. xcxy2k

    Fiona Grey

    Don't know if you guys know fiona but shes pretty awesome: Fiona Grey is an nineteen year old indie pop artist currently living in Los Angeles. She has been performing and writing music for over 10 years, becoming an ASCAP member at age seven. In March,2013, she released her first EP,“Striped Heart," a six song set of original songs which reflects both the edgy modern rock side of her music as well as her introspective lyrics and playful melodies. Fiona has trained in vocal studies and songwriting at Los Angeles' prestigious arts high school, LACHSA, studying every style of music from opera to jazz. She had performed on some of the biggest stages in America, including Walt Disney Concert Hall, Monterey Jazz Festival, the Ravinia Music Festival, and Lollapalooza. This past year Fiona has been focused on working and writing her second EP: “Belladonna.” She also worked with band “KITTEN” and toured on their North American tour for 6 weeks. Performing with artists such as Charli XCX, Foals and Liz. HERE'S HER EP;
  14. xcxy2k


    btw she's been playing snippets of songs on snapchat
  15. xcxy2k


    ughh i love chloe so much...i think she's one of the nicest artists out there...seen her live about 4 times and she always meets her fans
  16. xcxy2k

    LIZ Y2K

    ok so i run liz-y2k.tumblr.com and the only song i've never been able to find is jesus piece!! does anyone know where i can find it?? also you guys should check out her movie "cornered!" it was cool
  17. xcxy2k


    wow she really has so much more music than i thought...i've bought all her singles from itunes but is there any possibility of getting her older stuff?? like the d&c stuff especially??
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